SEN resource. Adult writes the process to complete the task in the numbered steps. A means to support transition to independent learning. I.e." I need....a pencil and maths book; 1. Pick up a number card and write it on your whiteboard; 2. Roll the dice and write it on your number board; 3. Add the numbers together and write the answer; 4. Now do 3 more sums.<br />
Colour the smiley face how you feel."<br />
Adults can make it as complex or as easy as appropriate.
Colour coded sentence frames (supporting the Language through Colour key) to support students when composing sentences to say or write.<br />
Students or teacher chooses a type of sentence to work on.
A visual support for pupils to get ready for PE; then to changed back into school clothes. Easy to follow enabling pupils to get changed independently.
From EYFS to Year 6 - Speaking and Listening grids based on the New Curriculum - giving examples and age appropriateness. <br />
Use these grids to show progression in each of these skills. For a more in-depth understanding - upload the SLCN Assertive Mentoring style grid.
Keep on top of your workforce's skill set.<br />
A checklist of skills to support SLCN children. There are both teacher and teaching assistant versions. This can then be used to determine training and professional development.
A checklist to evidence progression of expressive and receptive language from early speech sounds to entry level into Reception class.<br />
Examples are given to enable practitioners to assess where their pupils are with their speech and language.
A couple of worksheets for following instructions.<br />
Adults use 'first/ next/last' in their instructions and children listen and follow the instructions. Adults make it as easy or as complex as they wish.
A tracker sheet to show progression for speech sounds.<br />
I developed this sheet as I had numerous pupils with different speech targets. I put the speech sound target at the top, mark the area of work i.e. 's' at sound in isolation/ 's' + long vowel/ 's' initial position of a word - after the session I tick if a pupil achieved the target; after three ticks I date it and move onto the next target. Often I have have pupils with multiple targets, hence the boxes.
A card based game which will help expand children;s spoken language. The adult will support the child's first use of the game, however as the child becomes more confident, they will then control how much they expand their spoken sentences. The game consists of cards to support articles, verbs, nouns, prepositions, colours and size. there is an expansion pack of pronouns, basic conjunctions and basic special verbs. the child lays out the cards and 'reads' aloud what they see. As each card is randomly selected from a set pile, often the sentences are amusing and funny.
An intervention for SLCN and language impoverished children within the Nursery setting. Based on a language enrichment style of support. This programme sets out to support Nurseries who are overwhelmed with children struggling to support. Unlike many programmes on offer, this one does not require the practitioners to buy into specific resources; Nurseries use their own readily available toys and games. It allows practitioners to change and adapt sessions according the the needs of the children and setting. Only stipulation is that the programme MUST start with a minimum 6 weeks working on Session 1 - after that practitioners may pick and choose a session. Sessions cover the major basic areas for 3 - 4 year old children. As always, if a child has significant needs please refer them to your local Speech and Language Therapist.
These sheets will document the development of comprehensive (receptive) and expressive language skills, from non-verbal to age appropriate in EYFS and Year One.<br />
Each stage has a separate comprehensive/expressive sheet.<br />
Examples are given at each stage. Practitioners can document and evidence each time a child achieves a stage.
Most SLCN children have very poor eye tracking, and therefore poor reading skills. By exercising and practicing eye tracking slcn children have a much better chance of learning to read. These activity sheets will help children to seek, find then cross out target icons. It also helps hone attention and listening skills.
Children choose either a one water drop card, a two water drop card or a three water drop card. Each card relates to a level of difficulty.<br />
one drop = saying target speech sound in isolation (one move forward).<br />
two drops = saying target sound in a word (initial/medial/final position in a word) (two moves forward).<br />
three drops = saying target sound in a short phrase (two to three words with target sound in various places) (three moves forward).<br />
The aim is to reach the flower head (or further than before).
Six different power points to support development of: Irregular plural - Who want to be a millionaire style; Irregular tenses - who wants to be a millionaire style; Pronouns - right/wrong answer style; prepositions - right/wrong answer style; Expressive Language - to draw out and expand language; Sock - Pronouns - another pronoun for consolidating;
Barrier Game:<br />
Description for use included, as well as picture cards.<br />
Aim is to develop memory skills starting with a choice of one card i.e. Child A: red car - Child B repeats the phrase "red car, red car, red car" until they have found the card. Then the barrier is lifted and cards are compared.<br />
Extensions: when the children are confident with one card, move on to two cards; then three etc.
A sheet which describes behaviours; identifies the area of need; provides strategies and/or activities to support pupils.<br />
Also and age appropriate 'what is good talk' grid.