Counting in 2's money gameQuick View

Counting in 2's money game

A game for 1, 2 or 3 people Players will need up to 90p in 2p’s. Throw the dice and move that number of spaces. Take the amount of money you land on. How much money have you got now? Keep going until you have 30p. First player to reach 30p wins.
part part whole gameQuick View

part part whole game

A game for 2 people Roll the dice and write the number on each die in the ‘part’ section on your card. Add up the numbers and write the answer in the ‘whole’ section on your card. Use a calculator to check your answer.
Add or take away gameQuick View

Add or take away game

Add or take away game using mental maths AND a calculator You need a dice and a calculator. Shuffle the 16 cards. Put them in a pile, face down. Take a card. Throw the dice to choose the missing number. Work it out. Check on the calculator
Double diamondsQuick View

Double diamonds

A game for 2 players looking at doubling and halving. Take turns to throw a dice. Write double the number inside the diamond shape. Once all your diamonds are filled, work out what the original dice throw must have been i.e find half of the number. The player’s score is whichever number occurs most often in their diamonds. The winner is the player with the highest score.
Race on the number lineQuick View

Race on the number line

Take it in turns to race along the track, jotting down the number of jumps on a number line. Practice adding small amounts. Clear, child friendly instructions, track and number lines included.
Counting puppiesQuick View

Counting puppies

Making 10 A game for up to 3 people Turn over 3 cards. Count the puppies. If you get exactly 10 pups, keep the cards. If not, turn the cards back over. Play ends when on one can make any more tens