AQA Physics equations for  paper 2Quick View

AQA Physics equations for paper 2

<p>Each slide prompts students to recall an equation, rearrange equations and calculate unknown variables from a table. They also have questions with k, m, M and c prefixes so that they have to convert to standard form.</p> <p>Designed for Physics intervention classes where each slide is used for no more than 5 minutes. It can also be used in class as starters and plenaries as well.</p>
AQA Year 12 A level revision sheet for Density, Pressure and UpthrustQuick View

AQA Year 12 A level revision sheet for Density, Pressure and Upthrust

AS/Year 12 revision sheet and teacher tracker for A level Physics with AQA. The revision sheet includes basic questions for Density, Pressure and Upthrust with advanced exam style application. The Teacher tracker is for the teacher and the student to fill out to check progress over time for exam questions, exam question analysis, worksheet completion and revision notes. The bottom section is for the student to fill out to create a teacher student dialogue and for the teacher to better diagnose where the student is struggling.
Revision mats bundle A level AQAQuick View

Revision mats bundle A level AQA

<p>Particles<br /> Radiation<br /> Waves and Optics<br /> Electricity<br /> Materials<br /> Mechanics<br /> Circular and Simple harmonic motion<br /> Electric fields<br /> Magnetic fields<br /> Capacitors</p>
AQA AS revision sheet for Distance, Velocity and Acceleration graphs and SUVATQuick View

AQA AS revision sheet for Distance, Velocity and Acceleration graphs and SUVAT

AS/Year 12 revision sheet and teacher tracker for A level Physics with AQA. The revision sheet includes basic questions for Distance, Velocity and Acceleration graphs and SUVAT with advanced exam style application. The Teacher tracker is for the teacher and the student to fill out to check progress over time for exam questions, exam question analysis, worksheet completion and revision notes. The bottom section is for the student to fill out to create a teacher student dialogue and for the teacher to better diagnose where the student is struggling.
AQA AS revision sheets for Hooke's Law, Young's Modulus and EnergyQuick View

AQA AS revision sheets for Hooke's Law, Young's Modulus and Energy

AS/Year 12 revision sheet and teacher tracker for A level Physics with AQA. The revision sheet includes basic questions for Hooke's Law, Young's Modulus, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy and Work Done with advanced exam style application. The Teacher tracker is for the teacher and the student to fill out to check progress over time for exam questions, exam question analysis, worksheet completion and revision notes. The bottom section is for the student to fill out to create a teacher student dialogue and for the teacher to better diagnose where the student is struggling.
AQA AS revision sheet for Photons, Photoelectric Effect and DeBroglie equationQuick View

AQA AS revision sheet for Photons, Photoelectric Effect and DeBroglie equation

AS/Year 12 revision sheet and teacher tracker for A level Physics with AQA. The revision sheet includes basic questions for Photons, Photoelectric Effect and DE Broglie equation with advanced exam style application. The Teacher tracker is for the teacher and the student to fill out to check progress over time for exam questions, exam question analysis, worksheet completion and revision notes. The bottom section is for the student to fill out to create a teacher student dialogue and for the teacher to better diagnose where the student is struggling.
AQA Physics equations for Paper 1Quick View

AQA Physics equations for Paper 1

<p>Each slide prompts students to recall an equation, rearrange equations and calculate unknown variables from a table. They also have questions with k, m, M and c prefixes so that they have to convert to standard form.</p> <p>Designed for Physics intervention classes where each slide is used for no more than 5 minutes. It can also be used in class as starters and plenaries as well.</p>
AQA AS Year 12 revision sheets for Forces, Terminal Velocity, Moments, Momentum and ImpulseQuick View

AQA AS Year 12 revision sheets for Forces, Terminal Velocity, Moments, Momentum and Impulse

AS/Year 12 revision sheet and teacher tracker for A level Physics with AQA. The revision sheet includes basic questions for Forces, Terminal Velocity, Moments, Momentum, Impulse and Collisions with advanced exam style application. The Teacher tracker is for the teacher and the student to fill out to check progress over time for exam questions, exam question analysis, worksheet completion and revision notes. The bottom section is for the student to fill out to create a teacher student dialogue and for the teacher to better diagnose where the student is struggling.
AQA revision sheets and Teacher Tracking sheetsQuick View

AQA revision sheets and Teacher Tracking sheets

AS/Year 12 revision sheet and teacher tracker for A level Physics with AQA. The revision sheet includes basic questions for Density, Pressure and Upthrust, Forces, Terminal Velocity, Momentum, Motion Graphs, Powers of 10 and SI units, Scalars and Vectors, SUVAT and energy with advanced exam style application. The Teacher tracker is for the teacher and the student to fill out to check progress over time for exam questions, exam question analysis, worksheet completion and revision notes. The bottom section is for the student to fill out to create a teacher student dialogue and for the teacher to better diagnose where the student is struggling.
AQA AS revision sheet for Powers of 10, SI units, Scalars, Vectors and Stopping DistanceQuick View

AQA AS revision sheet for Powers of 10, SI units, Scalars, Vectors and Stopping Distance

AS/Year 12 revision sheet and teacher tracker for A level Physics with AQA. The revision sheet includes basic questions for Powers of 10, SI units, Scalars, Vectors and Stopping Distance with advanced exam style application. The Teacher tracker is for the teacher and the student to fill out to check progress over time for exam questions, exam question analysis, worksheet completion and revision notes. The bottom section is for the student to fill out to create a teacher student dialogue and for the teacher to better diagnose where the student is struggling.
AQA Electricity intervention Y11Quick View

AQA Electricity intervention Y11

<p>Paper 1 AQA revision session (approx 30 mins).<br /> Questions for recall<br /> Answers displayed then applying that recall information to answer questions.<br /> This should highlight how important the recall of set knowledge is.<br /> Covers:<br /> Circuit symbols, series and parallel circuits<br /> Current and PD in series and parallel circuit<br /> Drawing circuits<br /> Equations and application of equations where they have to choose which to use based on the information given in the question.</p>