Bubble Method - Finding Percentages of AmountsQuick View

Bubble Method - Finding Percentages of Amounts

This resource helps learners to find an alternative method to work out the percentage of different amounts without using calculators. It can be very useful in teaching percentages to learners especially if learners can not understand the old traditional methods of finding percentage of an amount. This is very good for teachers to address their students' needs more effectively.
Worksheet - Shapes and their DescriptionsQuick View

Worksheet - Shapes and their Descriptions

This resource is good to help learners understand the properties of different shapes and to use the appropriate vocabulary to describe them. It can be a very good activity if learners work in small groups or in pairs to discuss their ideas.
timeQuick View


this is a quiz on time and converting units of time can be used to recap on time unit conversion - good as a starter or a plenary activity it can be a timed activity to challenge learners
Loop Cards, Worksheets and Starter ActivitiesQuick View

Loop Cards, Worksheets and Starter Activities

This is a mixture of resources - loop cards on fractions, %, decimals, multiplication, division etc.. as well as worksheets on estimation, rounding, % etc. They are good to recap on learning and as a revision aid.
Time Distance Graphs - FlashcardsQuick View

Time Distance Graphs - Flashcards

This is a good resource that can be printed and laminated to be reused in different classes. It is very good to be done in pairs or small groups for learners to share and discuss their ideas. Match the description of the data with the correct graph. Good for developing thinking skills. Suitable for KS3,KS4 and Post 16 students.
True/ False Card Revision ActivityQuick View

True/ False Card Revision Activity

These cards can be used with learners at different levels to check concepts, assess learning and to recap on topics. They can be used with a wide range of learners as a starter, main activity or as a plenary. Students look at the cards and discuss whether they are true or false. Great Revision aid for KS3, KS4 and C1 students.
Rounding and Estimation WorksheetQuick View

Rounding and Estimation Worksheet

This is a good resource that can be used to recap on the topic of rounding & estimation. It can be used as a starter activity or as a plenary. It can be adapted to different levels to meet different learners' needs to challenge them. This Word document can be printed out as a worksheet or displayed on the IWB. Ideal for KS3, lower KS4 and across ALevel Maths.
ratio & proportion Quick View

ratio & proportion

<p>This is a good resource to help learners link the ratio and proportion concepts in real life situations… It can be given as a homework to help learners reflect on their learning and to reveal any misconceptions they might have. It is good to be used to assess each learner’s understanding of the topic. It can also be used as a main/ plenary activity where learners work on their own or with others (peer assessment)….. It can be adapted at different levels to suit and to challenge learners at all levels.</p><p>Other topics covered: Numbers</p>
Personal Profiles - KS3 - Handling DataQuick View

Personal Profiles - KS3 - Handling Data

This a resource that students can use as data and then practice the methods of representing data. This excellent resource was kindly contributed by my colleague Natasha - Level 5 additional Diploma in teaching mathematics. It aims to teach handling data e.g. mean, mode, median and range in an interesting classroom activity to classify and categorise personal profiles e.g. age, hair colour, type of property etc.. and students use the info to draw their bar charts to represent given data. Thanks Natasha -excellent resource!
Number Operations - Match Card Game ActivityQuick View

Number Operations - Match Card Game Activity

This is a good resource for learners to develop their own learning to match up word problems with number operations (X, +,- and /). It is a very good resource to encourage learners discuss their ideas with each other and to assess their own learning
transformers - calculationsQuick View

transformers - calculations

<p>a worksheet aims on calculating primary &amp; secondary current voltage with transformers. It is good for electrical students to recap on the topic</p>
GCSE Measures and ConversionsQuick View

GCSE Measures and Conversions

In these 2 PowerPoint resources KS3/4 students can revise the measures topic. It is very good to carry out these activities as a whole class. The lesson is very good to recap the topic and the poster is very good to help learners understand how to convert m into cm or mm and vis versa.
volume of prism Quick View

volume of prism

<p>this is a handout on volumes of different prisms. It is good for group work as well as individual work</p>
area of shapes Quick View

area of shapes

<p>This is a handout on areas - can be used to practice on the topic. It is good for group work as well as individual work.</p>
Fraction wall. Equivalences Game, Cards. KS3. KS2.Quick View

Fraction wall. Equivalences Game, Cards. KS3. KS2.

These 2 resources are good to be used when teaching fractions and percentages. The fraction wall can be used as a poster in the classroom to refer to. The match cards can used as a whole class activity to help learners link between fractions and percentages. It can be modified and differentiated at different levels for different classes according to the learners' abilities to challenge them.
Loop Cards: Number Operations: KS3, KS4, Post16Quick View

Loop Cards: Number Operations: KS3, KS4, Post16

This is a word document with loop cards that can be adjusted. There are instructions provided and these can be printed out to use as group work. The problems work on the number operations: multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. Ideal for KS3, KS4 and Post 16 students.
square numbers Quick View

square numbers

These are loop cards that can be used for classsroom activity to revise square numbers. It can be a good starter or a plenary for a lesson.
shapes & their names Quick View

shapes & their names

<p>This resouce is good to recap/teach the terms/ names of shapes as well as how to describe them. The loop cards activity can be used as a plenary or starter activity.</p>
True / False Card Activity on FractionsQuick View

True / False Card Activity on Fractions

This resource is very good to facilitate discussion in the classroom about fractions. It provides learners more opportunites to reveal their understanding and any misconceptions on the topic. Cards are provided with a statement and students sort whether these are true or false. Ideal for KS3.
Calculating Percentages: Match Activity &WorksheetQuick View

Calculating Percentages: Match Activity &Worksheet

These are good activities to help learners calculate percentages of different amounts. They can be very useful in class where ICT facilities are not available. Learners work together and discuss their answers. A matching activity with statements and questions and a worksheet with multiple choice questions and answers. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and Alevel students.
True/False Cards on Equivalent Fractions.Game.Quick View

True/False Cards on Equivalent Fractions.Game.

This is a good activity. The cards can be printed and laminated to be reused again and again. It provides endless opportunities for classroom discussions......I myself used them several times and found them very useful to assess learners' understanding through listening to individual groups answers and discussions. The fractions can be adjusted to adapt to different levels and ages. Ideal for KS2, KS3, KS4 and Alevel students.