Year 6 Narrative writing - Lost Story at expected standardQuick View

Year 6 Narrative writing - Lost Story at expected standard

<p>This text has been designed as a model for a narrative unit of writing based around lost story ideas. The purpose is to have picked a situation/setting familiar for the children and to use this as the basis of writing their own lost story.</p>
Information text/Non Chronological report for Year 5/6 new curriculum - The Arctic Frost DragonQuick View

Information text/Non Chronological report for Year 5/6 new curriculum - The Arctic Frost Dragon

This text has been designed to help years 5/6 meet the standards of the new curriculum by creating a model which can be used with children as part of the shared text. This can be used at the beginning of the unit as a good model for children to find the features of. Or as a modelled text upon which to base their own writing. As a follow up to this, it works best for children to design their own type of dragon and the features it has. When used before children have been extremely excited and engaged in this as a writing unit.
Year 6 expected standard models of writingQuick View

Year 6 expected standard models of writing

<p>This is a selection of 3 texts for year 6 modelled writing. These have been used in classes as a shared text with a view of adapting these to allow the children to write their own version.</p>
Lost story based on Goodnight Mr TomQuick View

Lost story based on Goodnight Mr Tom

<p>This is a lost story based around the characters of Willie and Zach from Goodnight Mr Tom. It served as an additional chapter where the characters develop their relationship and get to know each other.</p>