Memory gamesQuick View

Memory games

A useful activity for a starter or plenary (or even partway through a lesson) to check prior knowledge or knowledge gained during the lesson. Based on the old game whereby you would have to memorise objects on a table for the table was covered over, the PowerPoints contain key features of different types of texts whicg the students have to memorise and then write down. The slides are timed so that the screens change with each new instruction. Total time involved in each case 4 or 5 mins max.
Genre Study KS3Quick View

Genre Study KS3

A detailed lesson-by-lesson scheme of work for my previous Yr 8 class, which focuses on three genres of fiction: sci-fi, crime and Gothic. There are PowerPoints to support many (though not all) of the lessons and other resources related to some of the lessons. I have not made all of the PPs or resources, simply of the time-demands that come with being a full-time English teacher (as I once was). NB. TCS Steps which are referred to are what my previous school implemented to replace the former NC levels.