World War One-Life in the trenchesQuick View

World War One-Life in the trenches

A great power point presentation that will provide a basis for your KS2 history and/or literacy planning. Included are: *Learning objectives and success criteria that can be edited to suit your needs *Photographs to print off to use as secondary resources *Embedded links to videos and sound files on the BBC website Will give your students a fantastic sensory experience that could lead to writing a letter in role as a soldier and/or creating a sensory poem about life as a soldier in the trenches.
Out of this world!- The movement of the earth and moonQuick View

Out of this world!- The movement of the earth and moon

A power point presentation and supporting worksheet about the movement of the earth and moon to use as a basis for your planning . This presenation includes: *Links to the National Curriculum for Science-describe the movement of the earth relative to the sun; describe the movement of the moon relative to the earth; describe the earth and moon as approximate spherical bodies; use the earth's rotation to describe day and night *Dynamic animations, videos and links to demonstrate key concepts to pupils. *KWL worksheets (Know;Want to know and Learned) to show pupil progress from opener to plenary. Both presentation and worksheets are fully adaptable to suit your needs and those of your pupils.
World War One- Medical AdvancesQuick View

World War One- Medical Advances

A great power presentation that will provide a basis for your history planning. Follow up presentation to my World War One-Life in the trenches power point. Included are: *Learning Objective linked to the National Curriculum for history-understanding the concepts of cause and consequence *Historical photographs *General information about common medical issues for soldiers in World War One *Embedded links to videos on the BBC Bitesize history site *Ideas for activities for pupils to meet learning objective- Creating a time line; researching the medical advances; writing a non-chronological report about the medical advances.