Multiplication Grid Method Missing Number Mastery sheetQuick View

Multiplication Grid Method Missing Number Mastery sheet

<p>A worksheet to practice the grid method for multiplication with missing numbers. Suitable to exemplify mastery.</p> <p>Children need to work out the calculation, given the answer and some of the given partitions.</p> <p>Children are invited to try to create their own problem for a partner at the end.</p>
Anglo-Saxon JewelleryQuick View

Anglo-Saxon Jewellery

<p>Clear, basic slides to get children to look carefully at Anglo-Saxon jewellery.<br /> Children are asked to look for clues to guess purpose and ownership as well as looking at design elements.<br /> The last slides ask the children to design and describe a piece of Anglo-Saxon jewellery, using the WAGOLL to help them.<br /> One slide is for the whiteboard, the very last slide is reproduced as a PDF if you prefer a worksheet.<br /> These slides were originally used with a Year 4 class.</p>
Rounding to the nearest 10 or 100,Quick View

Rounding to the nearest 10 or 100,

<p>Suitable for KS2, made for a Year 4 class.<br /> Some differentiated worksheets where children need to decide if the given number round up or down and then write the correct number it rounds to.</p> <p>there is a LA and HA sheet for both rounding to 10 and to 100.</p> <p>Feel free to edit as required.</p> <p>There is a WILMA on the sheet, but remove this if your school uses a different system.</p>
Short Column Multiplication Sheets Differentiated 2 digit x 1 digitQuick View

Short Column Multiplication Sheets Differentiated 2 digit x 1 digit

<p>Differentiated sheets to practice short, column multiplication using 2-digit x 1-digit.</p> <p>Sheet 1: x 2,3,4 and 5<br /> Sheet 2: x 3,4,6 and 8<br /> Sheet 3: x 6,8,7 and 7</p> <p>At the end of the sheets, children are invited to add use dice to generate their own calculations.</p>
Complex Sentence Add Subordinate Clause to Main Clause, I SAW A WABUBQuick View

Complex Sentence Add Subordinate Clause to Main Clause, I SAW A WABUB

<p>A sheet which was originally used as a Year 4 homework sheet where children need to add a subordinate clause to a main clause or add a main clause to a subordinate clause.</p> <p>The sheet reminds children to use the I SAW A WABUB set of conjunctions.</p> <p>There is also a youtube link for parents on the sheet if it were used as a homework exercise.</p> <p>Feel free to edit any details!</p>
Uplevelling Sentences with Firework Maker's DaughterQuick View

Uplevelling Sentences with Firework Maker's Daughter

<p>This set of slides presents some sentences to uplevel based around The Firework Maker’s Daughter.</p> <p>The last slide, also presented as a .PDF, has a selection of sentences for the children to uplevel independently.</p> <p>The resource is quite basic and very general and aims at getting children to use various parts of grammar to uplevel sentences. It doesn’t focus on anything in particular.</p> <p>The slides are very clear with plenty of space to write on if using an interactive board.</p> <p>I used this resource during a whole class session with children trying different ideas on whiteboards before they went off to work independently.</p>
Comparing 3 or 4 digit numbers game - Nice or NastyQuick View

Comparing 3 or 4 digit numbers game - Nice or Nasty

<p>A game to play in pairs where each player has to make the greatest or least 4 digit number from the digits rolled on a die.</p> <p>The game works best using a 1-9 die but can be used with a 1-6 die. If your die has a 0, it can still work but you need to make up a rule for the 0!</p> <p>Rules:<br /> Decide if you are trying to make the smallest or greatest number. Roll the dice. Decide where you want to put your digit. Then it’s your partners turn. Take it in turns until the boxes are filled. See who made the smallest or greatest number - best out of 6.</p> <p>The nasty version of the game lets you decide if you want to keep the number you rolled or force it onto your partner.</p>
Finding equivalent factors using multiplication and division factsQuick View

Finding equivalent factors using multiplication and division facts

<p>Slides to introduce and learn a rule about using multiplication and division facts to recognise and create equivalent fractions.</p> <p>Lots of examples for the children to do on the carpet using whiteboards and a worksheet at the end for independent work in books.</p> <p>The is a LA and HA version of the sheet.</p>
Adding and subtracting beyond 0 - Negative numbersQuick View

Adding and subtracting beyond 0 - Negative numbers

<p>Slides and the accompanying worksheet to introduce children to the idea of adding and subtracting with negative numbers.</p> <p>There is also an activity to generate calculations for independent work.</p> <p>The slides were a simple introduction to the ideas for a Year 4 class.</p> <p>The slides were used in a carpet session but the last slide, reproduced as a pdf, is for independent work.</p> <p>Feel free to edit</p>
Google Earth Volcano HuntQuick View

Google Earth Volcano Hunt

<p>A worksheet that uses a Google Earth .KML file to allow children to look for and find information about volcanoes.</p> <p>It asks children to use the search function to find places and volcanoes.<br /> It asks children to use the physical appearance of places to find volcanoes.<br /> It asks children to find a pattern in geographical features.</p> <p>The sheet is used every year with Year 4 children using desktops or ipads.<br /> The location of a good current .KML file is on the sheet.</p> <p>I usually place a link in a shared folder for the children to access easily.</p>
Types of Volcano - Shield and CompositeQuick View

Types of Volcano - Shield and Composite

<p>Basic and simple introducion to Shield and Composite volcanoes for a year 3/4 class.</p> <p>Slides contain a short description and a video clip for each volcano type with some question prompts.</p> <p>This is a short, 4 page presentation designed to prompt questioning and discussion.</p>
Ordering and converting decimals and fractions Year 4Quick View

Ordering and converting decimals and fractions Year 4

<p>2 Powerpoints to use as a whiteboard whole class exercise or could be printed out for children to use independently.</p> <p>Personally, I used them with the children on the carpet, working through the examples together.</p> <p>They are clear but basic and more as a practise and misconception activity.</p> <p>There are also some pairs cards to play a matching game to convert between hundredths and decimals. This is a PDF.</p> <p>Feel free to edit</p>
One and two step Multiplication Problems Year 4Quick View

One and two step Multiplication Problems Year 4

<p>A set of slides with one, then two step multiplication problems.</p> <p>The slides encourage the use of the column method to solve. There 17 problems altogether.</p> <p>I’ve also included a pdf of the slides if that is easier to print.</p> <p>I use this resource by going through a few examples on the interactive whiteboard, demonstrating the method. I print the slides out, usually 6 per sheet, and the children cut them out, stick them in their book and do their working next to it.</p>
Lava Viscosity Science InvestigationQuick View

Lava Viscosity Science Investigation

<p>An MS Word doc which has a small geology lesson and a planning sheet for an investigation on the viscosity of different liquid.</p> <p>On page 2 is a crib sheet, reminding the children about the headings needed to report on the findings of their investigation.</p> <p>This is reproduced on a set of slides for easier classroom viewing or to be written on on an interactive whiteboard.</p>
Equivalent factors using multiplication and division facts - Mastery QuestionsQuick View

Equivalent factors using multiplication and division facts - Mastery Questions

<p>A set of slides with examples of mastery questions for equivalent fractions.</p> <p>The first 6 slides are to use with the class together.</p> <p>There follows another 6 slides with similar questions for the class to try themselves independently.</p> <p>These are provided as a powerpoint and a .pdf.</p> <p>There are 2 sets - a HA and LA version.</p> <p>Obviously, low ability and mastery in the same sentence is a bit of problem :-), but you know what I mean.</p>
Money write, add and subtract slides Year 4Quick View

Money write, add and subtract slides Year 4

<p>20 plus slides covering different aspects of writing, ordering adding and subtracting money</p> <ol> <li>‘Revision’ slides to reintroduce children to coins and to discuss how to calculate an amount and to write it as well as some slides to discuss the theory behind it.</li> <li>Examples to work through on whiteboards followed by work to do in books.</li> <li>Examples to work through using column method to add and subtract amounts, including word problems.</li> </ol> <p>Feel free to edit.</p>
Comparing decimals Nice and Nasty gameQuick View

Comparing decimals Nice and Nasty game

<p>Version of the Nice or Nasty game for comparing decimals.</p> <p>Children roll a die to generate digits in order to create a number as close to the target number as possible. The one who gets closest wins.</p> <p>In the nasty version, you get to decide if you keep the rolled digit or if you give it to your partner.</p> <p>Suitable for more able Year 4 children who can find the difference between 2 decimal numbers - estimation will usually do!</p> <p>Feel free to edit to fit to your children.</p>
Equivalence Mastery Problems - all four operationsQuick View

Equivalence Mastery Problems - all four operations

<p>Some introductory slides and some examples to work through involving making both sides of an equation the same using all 4 operations.<br /> Can be used as a mastery exercise</p> <p>There is an included PDF for children to do some examples independently.</p>
Roman Numeral Quiz Quiz Share cardsQuick View

Roman Numeral Quiz Quiz Share cards

<p>A Quiz Quiz Share game for Roman Numerals<br /> 20 individual number cards.</p> <p>After printing, sheets are to be folded in half.</p> <p>Children then walk around classroom to find a ‘free’ classmate.<br /> They show their numerals to see if their new partner can identify the number—the answer is on the reverse.<br /> Their new partner then does likewise with their number.</p> <p>Children can discuss any errors each other might ave made.</p>
Fractions of Amounts Mastery ProblemsQuick View

Fractions of Amounts Mastery Problems

<p>A powerpoint with a selection of word problems involving fractions of amounts.</p> <p>The slides look at bar models as a method of solving but also involve other thinking.</p> <p>Most slides are problems to work through with the kids but some are problems to be printed for the children to work on independently.</p> <p>Feel free to edit - my sense of humour is not to everyones taste and it’s always nice to personalise the names.</p>
Firework Maker's Daughter Reading ResourcesQuick View

Firework Maker's Daughter Reading Resources

<p>A few reading resources based on the Firework Makers Daughter.</p> <p>There are 4 sets of questions, 2 set out as a RIC activity and 2 referencing the Reading Content Domains.</p> <p>Please feel free to edit.</p> <p>The page numbers are based on Yearling; New Ed edition (4 Nov. 2004) so may need to be altered if using a different version.</p>