Extended Murder Mystery - Area of a SectorQuick View

Extended Murder Mystery - Area of a Sector

A whole lesson that includes a starter, then some basic questions which lead on to 3 linked murder mysteries which pupils have to solve to discover:<br /> who murdered whom; where were they murdered and what was the weapon. The plenary is a metacognition sheet that allows pupils to assess the skills they used in the lesson.<br /> I used this with a year 9 class as a means to introduce area of a sector. <br /> It will take at least one lesson, maybe two for slightly lower ability.<br /> Used during a lesson observation which was graded both excellent for teaching and excellent for pupil outcomes.
Algebraic Fractions and EquationsQuick View

Algebraic Fractions and Equations

<p>Endless supply of Algebraic Fractions and Equations. Press F9 on your keyboard to refresh the numbers etc. Thus you have an almost limitless number of questions to allow for repeated practice of this topic.</p>