Transcription, powerpoint, activités et jeux sur le documentaire HOME de Luc Besson, Francois Henri Pinault et Yann Arthus Bertrand, sorti le 5 juin 2009 pour la Journée Internationale de l'Environnement
Comment créer un quatrième texte à partir de troix donnés?
Exemples de textes en corrélation avec les trois textes sur l'eau de l &'IB Skills and Practice FRENCH B&';.
Vocabulaire, visuels, récapitulations, suggestions.
20 expressions, proverb and references for each of the 5 topics of French B Paper 2 (Diversité culturelle, Coutumes et traditions, Santé, Loisirs, Sciences et Technologies) to help students with their penultimate revisions)
Une musique
Les paroles
La mélodie
Le message
Les sentiments
Le refrain
Un couplet
Le rythme
Le tempo
une mélodie entraînante
une chanson douce
Une voix
La qualité
Un genre
Un chanteur
Une chanteuse
Un auteur-compositeur-interprete
vendre plus d'un million d&'exemplaire de disques
La bande originale
être en tête des palmares
faire une tournée
témoigner de
Juniors French Intermediate<br />
A2 DELF<br />
describing feelings, talking about friendships, comparing people's qualities, understanding adjective agreement, watching my life as a zucchini<br />
IMYC challenge adaptability
<p>This is a straight forward table for students to practise their conjugation of *venir, être and aller in the present tense, as well asconsolidate their understanding of passé récent (je viens de + inf.), présent (je suis en train de + inf.) and futur proche (je vais + inf.) with two differentiated sheets and the colour- coordinated correction. I created this for a phase 1 MYP1 class (KS3) as we were finalising the Leisure and World of work units, but this could also be useful revision for GCSE, IGCSE, IB French Ab Initio and French B classes.</p>
Useful as:
1. a starter in Year 12 when it comes to social relationships,
2. an introduction in Year 12 to the idea of creating a fourth text from three given for the French B IB written task.
<p>Writing WAGOL for Cambridge IGCSE French Foreign Language Paper 4 May 2018 (Winter holidays / vacances d’hiver - La fête du sport/Sports fete - garder a forme/keeping in shape - perdre ses clefs/losing one’s keys)</p>
Starter to consolidate J'ai mal à/au/aux, body parts, adverbs, present and passe compose.<br />
Useful for Lower School of first year of IGCSE French as part of the Area A/Sport, health and fitness section
<p>This is a set of 19 questions similar to the IB French B reading comprehension paper 2 using the editorial of a free Swiss Supermarket magazine on being good and grateful citizens in this time of Coronavirus pandemic.</p>
<p>This is a reflection sheet I give my students when I hand back to them a Paper 4 Writing IGCSE Cambridge so that they can particularly focus on Section 2 and stretch themselves further when it comes to verb ending and further linguistic features. I hope this is useful to your students too. It includes info about:</p>
<li>Subordinate clauses, including car / parce que, qui and que (relative pronouns), ce qui and ce que.</li>
<li>Indirect or reported speech (il a dit que, je pense que).</li>
<li>Time clauses with quand, pendant que etc. and si (= if)</li>
<li>Object pronouns (il m’a dit) and ‘strong’ pronouns (chez nous etc.)</li>
<li>Conjunctions (other than et) and linking words (e.g. cependant, malheureusement, toutefois)<br />
+Prepositions – Time: depuis, pendant, pour, du« au« etc / – Place: en, dans etc.<br />
+Negatives<br />
+Adverbs<br />
+Adjectives, including possessives and demonstratives. Also comparatives and superlatives<br />
+Expressions of quantity and partitive articles, especially de after negative, use of du, de la, des<br />
+Appropriate use of politesse in the letter</li>
<p>These two resources are sentence builders for getting pupils to talk in French about their teachers, the objects they use in their pencil cases and classrooms, the rooms they use at school and in their boarding houses.</p>
<p>I have solely focus on masculine singular and feminine singular.</p>
<p>Pupils could therefore be encouraged to create their own sentence builder for plural nouns (les élèves de ma classe, les professeurs des Juniors, mes ciseaux, mes feutres, mes crayons de couleur, etc…) as a homework task.</p>
<p>In order to:<br />
*give further depth and gravitas to your SL students’ experience when it comes to Identity and above all Human Ingenuity and Experience (as well as enhancing their Conceptual understanding)<br />
*offer a novel that tackles most if not all the Global Context themes,</p>
<p>I have created a set of questions for French B SL/HL students as well as French A (KS3) that will help you guide them towards challenging and rewarding debates about Education, Freedom and Confinement, Gender, Suffering, Warfare, Courage, Family, Hope.</p>
<p>Some of the questions come from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> and I translated them into French - others are mine.</p>
<p>I also have a term with of lessons on Parvana, so let me know if you want anymore :)</p>
<p>Vocabulary list and speech analysis for French B HL students with a good grasp of litterature.<br />
The six speeches from Greta Thunberg are readily available on the internet*, but I used the Rejoignez-nous booklet** as a work of litterature so the pages numbers within my documents refer to it.</p>
<p>This proved really useful at revision work too</p>
<p>I include three copies (one with all words translated, one with the French vocabulary only , one with the English vocabularly only) .</p>
<p>*Vous pouvez aussi retrouver les mots de Geta Thunberg dans les discours prononcés lors des rassemblements suivants :<br />
-Marche pour le climat à Stockholm (8/9/2018)<br />
-à Bruxelles (6/10/2018)<br />
-à Helsinki (20/10/2018)<br />
-au Parliament Square de London pour la Déclaration de l’Extinction Rebellion (31/10/2018)<br />
-pour la conférence TedX (novembre 2018)<br />
-à La COP24 des Nations Unies (décembre 2018)<br />
-au meeting du collectif des ONG des jeunes de la COP24 à Katowice en présence du secrétaire général des Nations Unies (3/12/2018)<br />
-à Davos (25/01/2019)<br />
-sur Facebook (2/2/2019)</p>
<p>**REJOIGNEZ-NOUS Greta Thunberg #grevepourleclimat<br />
Paru le 24 avril 2019 Témoignage (broché)en français<br />
Edité et traduit de l’anglais par Flore Vasseur</p>