Alan Peat Writing Exciting Sentence Progression PolicyQuick View

Alan Peat Writing Exciting Sentence Progression Policy

<p>This is a progression policy that I created for Alan Peat’s Writing Exciting Sentences. It is linked to the new curriculum and gives advice about when to teach different sentence types in line with the new curriculum. At the time, all that I had was the draft national curriculum.</p> <p>I don’t think this in any way replaces buying and reading the Alan Peat books as they will really help to understand the sentences and the theory behind them. There’s also an app which you can download which is great!</p> <p>Hope it helps. Would love to receive some feedback/comments if you have time.</p> <p>If you require a Word version of this resource, please contact me via twitter @clairemarie00 and I will be happy to help.</p>
End of Year Class BookmarksQuick View

End of Year Class Bookmarks

These are the personalised bookmarks I created for my class last year. They still have the children's names and personalised messages on so that I could give you a flavour of what I wrote to them. I simply laminted them and cut them out and the children absolutely loved them. Very cheap at the end of the year too.
The 1970s Interactive Powerpoint with SoundQuick View

The 1970s Interactive Powerpoint with Sound

This is a powerpoint I put together to teach children about popular culture in the 1970s. It should be interactive and have sound and other interactive features that the children can explore. On the final few slides, I have included the task I asked our children to do - to create an artifact by junk modelling. But obviously you can take these slides off if you don't want to use them. Hope it helps x
Reasoning with Angles Quick View

Reasoning with Angles

This is the planning for my Yr6 class after looking at angles. We found that with the new curriculum (March 2016) we needed to focus more on reasoning and children having the opportunity to explain their thinking so we created these resources. Hope they help! <br /> <br /> I am not in the habit of selling my resources so please be nice too and leave a comment. Also, please share anything that you subsequently create with these resources. <br /> <br /> Claire Tunnicliffe <br /> Federation of Riders Infant &amp; Junior Schools, Havant, Hampshire, UK
Doubles Dice GameQuick View

Doubles Dice Game

My class loved this game! The children play in pairs. One child rolls the dice to make a 2-digit number i.e. 2 and 3 could be 23 or 32. They then double that number (to make 46 or 64 depending on the inital choice they make) and then colour in the matching square with their colour. Who will colour in the most squares?
Synonym Wall DisplayQuick View

Synonym Wall Display

<p>These resources add to a synonym wall display. The ‘boring&amp;’ word (such as &amp;’;good’) is accompanied by more impressive synonyms (such as splendid, exceptional etc).</p> <p>I bought a shoe holder with various pockets and stapled the boring word to the outside of the pocket and put the more interesting words inside.</p>
Using even though, although and despite PowerPointQuick View

Using even though, although and despite PowerPoint

A powerpoint describing how to use the concessive connectives even though, although and despite. The powerpoint works through some example sentences using the connectives and then attempts to explain how the sentences work. It then prompts the children to talk about sentences in talk partners and then to complete an activity at the end of the show. It can be adapted to suit your individual context.
Choose the most effective connective displayQuick View

Choose the most effective connective display

This is a display that I use to help children see the different types of connectives and thus, which connective to choose. \nI've printed these on to different colour paper for each type of connective and laminated them. I have attached the photo to show you what my display looks like.