Angles & Geometry New Curriculum AssessmentQuick View

Angles & Geometry New Curriculum Assessment

I made this to assess my year 5 pupils knowledge of 'new maths curriculum&' (angles and geometry) objectives at the end of a couple of weeks/unit. Some &';new curriculum objectives' included with questions, others just questions. It&'s focused mostly on angles with a couple of questions about accurately measuring lines and one about regular polygons. When pupils are asked to draw angles, I have allowed 3 degrees each way for accuracy but you might want to edit or change this according to how accurate you want to be. Sorry I haven&';t got degrees symbol on keyboard so this is written.
2018 Chinese New Year PowerPointQuick View

2018 Chinese New Year PowerPoint

2018 Chinese New Year PowerPoint - The Year Of The Earth Dog - Introduced and told by my two very own star canines! Includes 2018 dates, characteristics, the traditional story, famous celebrities born in the year of the dog and information about family traditions.<br /> Possibly for all age groups, depending on teacher support, but mainly aimed at Juniors.
Meghan Markle/Prince Harry Royal Engagement/Wedding Reading ComprehensionQuick View

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry Royal Engagement/Wedding Reading Comprehension

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry Royal Engagement/Wedding Reading Comprehension<br /> One page of text, Four direct answer questions, four inference questions, answers sheet and one spag<br /> ( highlight the Demonstrative Determiners) question. Current/up to date as of Jan2018 - will update periodically as more is known! Worksheet form PDF
x3, x6 Times Table Visual patterns trickQuick View

x3, x6 Times Table Visual patterns trick

'Noughts &amp; Crosses' x3, x6 tables trick in PowerPoint Format A very good aide memor for visual learners. <br /> Step by step to share with the whole class (or with a booster group) during a maths starter or perhaps to introduce the connection between x3 and x6 tables and reinforce 'known facts' in multiplication lessons.<br /> 2014 Curriculum objectives covered include:<br /> (Year 3) recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables<br /> (Year 4) recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to <br /> 12 × 12<br /> (Years 5 &amp; 6) multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts
English Starter Activities Year 5 & 6 Post 2014 CurriculumQuick View

English Starter Activities Year 5 & 6 Post 2014 Curriculum

English Starter Activities Year 5 &amp; 6 Post 2014 Curriculum - January 2018<br /> Four SPAG/Word, Four Punctuation and Four Spelling Patterns (with two additional spelling rule reminders) morning or starter activities in PPT presentation form with a woodland theme.<br /> A mixture of pupil activity types including dictionary, editing, talk partner, look, say cover write and check spelling method, sorting adverbials, changing sentences into active voice, matching compound words with hyphens, spotting and listing Modal Verbs, using a single dash as an afterthought/additional comment, punctuating with speech marks, punctuating with brackets and word choice.<br /> ideal for morning activities, spag group activities, whole class reminders.
Year 4 &5 Determiners & Fronted Adverbials SPAG Activity PPT &  2 WorksheetsQuick View

Year 4 &5 Determiners & Fronted Adverbials SPAG Activity PPT & 2 Worksheets

Year 4 &amp;5 Determiners &amp; Fronted Adverbials Activities PPT - Fox themed<br /> 17 slide PPT Including original text, outlining upcoming May 2018 Royal Wedding, to identify and highlight determiners, Fronted Adverbial sentence starters; when, where, how, how much, identify and replace Fronted Adverbials, adding own Fronted Adverbials, a &amp; an sorting activity - articles, choosing correct possessive determiners, identifying quantifiers, add Parenthesis to sentences and 'Sensible/Silly' Parenthesis Game.<br /> Worksheet - PDF/Word document adding parenthesis to sentences and highlighting parenthesis within paragraph.<br /> Worksheet - Read and highlight demonstrative determiners and match singular and plural
Auryn Chinese New Year 2018  Year Of The Dog  Handwriting SheetsQuick View

Auryn Chinese New Year 2018 Year Of The Dog Handwriting Sheets

Auryn Chinese New Year Tracing Or Copying Handwriting Sheets<br /> A set of five handwriting sheets, including Cursive dotted, Cursive hollow, Print dotted, Print hollow, D'Nealian hollow and D'Nealian dotted sheets.<br /> Save in PDF, and various versions of Word for compatiblity<br /> Contains an attractive picture of Auryn greyhound dog and the phrase:<br /> &quot;2018 is the Chinese Year of The Dog. Dogs are loyal, friendly and honest' underneath<br /> for tracing or copying.
World War II Topic Front CoverQuick View

World War II Topic Front Cover

A simple A4 Front Cover/First Topic Page for WW2 Topic I made for Year 4/5<br /> where I've tried to use black and white clip art version of pictures, so they can<br /> personalise/colour their own front covers.<br /> It features Chamberlain cartoon ( rolling the world towards peace) Churchill and Chinese ally leader,<br /> air raid warden, gas mark clip art, cartoon clip art of Hitler, indoor air raid shelter, Spitfire/RAF sign and Spitfire plane and pilot, with a line border.<br /> Please note formats may change when pdf/ or open Word document I created it in is saved as another version of Word this can be easily edited or use the PDF version.