<p>I have made this 4 sheet overview of the entire course (Not HE). It just gives 3 themed explanations (e.g Individuals/church/government/Industry) for each period as to why medicine does/doesn’t change. It them requires students to add bits of evidence to support each explanation. I want students to see the main characteristic of each stage e.g what’s changing and why. Then get them to briefly describe the evidence I clue them in on.</p>
<p>Each page has a different chronological focus…<br />
i) There was a lack of progress in all areas of Medieval Medicine because….<br />
ii) Medical knowledge improves during the Renaissance because….<br />
iii) The Industrial Revolution saw major advancements in surgery & public health because….<br />
iv) The C20th saw the greatest breakthroughs in the prevention & treatment of disease because…</p>