GCSE Media Studies AQA CSP Doctor WhoQuick View

GCSE Media Studies AQA CSP Doctor Who

Three lessons introducing students to the television programme 'Doctor Who' in preparation for the analysis of 'An Unearthly Child'. One includes a general introduction, then a lesson on target audience and finally the social and historical context of the first episode in 1963.
GQ Magazine CSP- A Level Media StudiesQuick View

GQ Magazine CSP- A Level Media Studies

<p>41 slide PPT for the new GQ Magazine CSP for Media A Level. Covers all four areas, theory and context. Also includes regular Low Stake Quiz questions and answers for revision each lesson.</p>
The Gentlewoman CSP- A Level Media StudiesQuick View

The Gentlewoman CSP- A Level Media Studies

<p>33 slide PPT for the new magazine CSP ‘The Gentlewoman’ for Media A Level. Covers all four areas, theory and context. Also includes magazine Media Kit document and regular low stake quiz questions and answers to review prior knowledge of the magazine CSP’s and other A Level CSP’s.</p>
Noughts and Crosses Playscript SOW Part 1Quick View

Noughts and Crosses Playscript SOW Part 1

Part 1 of a SOW for Y8 on 'Noughts and Crosses' play script. Includes a range of activities including discussion, performance and reading of the script itself. Part 2 will be uploaded shortly, as I am currently teaching this module so will be adapting the my powerpoints to suit the group!
Pantomime Script ExtractsQuick View

Pantomime Script Extracts

<p>Three duologues and one script for three actors, ideal for KS3 or KS4 Drama as an introduction to pantomime, or could be used as audition material. Each script is less than one side of A4, so can easily be extended as a script writing task.</p>
'Frankenstein and Monsters' lessons for low ability KS3Quick View

'Frankenstein and Monsters' lessons for low ability KS3

<p>Four lessons aimed at low ability KS3 allowing them to explore the idea of a monster and develop descriptive writing skills. Each lesson has a starter activity (some are revision based on previous topics) but help to embed key vocabulary and retain knowledge.<br /> A mix of verbal, written and creative writing tasks with some analysis work of Mary Shelley’s description of ‘The Creature’.</p>
Set Design and Types of StageQuick View

Set Design and Types of Stage

<p>Informative worksheet with visual examples of set design and staging/audience configurations. Ideal for KS3, KS4 and especially BTEC Performing Arts for design units.</p>
Moral Dilemma Drama lessonsQuick View

Moral Dilemma Drama lessons

<p>Resources for 2-3 Drama lessons around the theme of ‘Moral Dilemma’. Includes a resource with a range of difference moral dilemma situations for students to explore practically, or through discussion.</p>
Explorative Drama- bullying lesson 1Quick View

Explorative Drama- bullying lesson 1

Powerpoint for a practical drama lesson for a SOW based on bullying. Worked really well with Year 7 but could be adapted to suit primary age or older. Explores stereotypes as well as different types of bullying.
Drama SOW 'MediaQuick View

Drama SOW 'Media

First two whole lessons on a Drama SOW influenced by 'Media'. Students explore presentation skills in television and radio, focusing on developing speaking and listening abilities. They take inspiration from current events in the news to create their own news programme for television and then their own radio show. These first lessons include an opportunity to explore genres within the platform and discuss popularity of radio and tv. Variety of tasks but primarily practical exploration.
Performing Arts Cue SheetsQuick View

Performing Arts Cue Sheets

<p>Production role cue sheet templates which can be completed as part of BTEC Performing Arts or to help students involved in school productions.<br /> Includes AV, dresser, followspot, mics, props, sound effects, stage crew and lighting.</p>
Drama Workshop Planning SheetQuick View

Drama Workshop Planning Sheet

Worksheet for students planning a drama workshop to deliver to other students. Ideal resource for Arts Award Students completing the 'Arts Leadership' unit, or any student completing a TIE unit where they have to lead a drama workshop.
KS3 skills lesson improvising charactersQuick View

KS3 skills lesson improvising characters

A powerpoint to develop the idea of creating a character from an image- opportunities for whole class voice and physicality work and then small group improvisation. Originally used with mixed ability Y7 but adaptable for KS3 and 4.
Blood Brothers- exploring the theme 'Nature Vs Nurture'Quick View

Blood Brothers- exploring the theme 'Nature Vs Nurture'

<p>This lesson focuses students on the differences between the two households, including the education and the housing during the time of setting. The main task is for students to create a ‘missing scene’ from Blood Brothers, and imagine what would happen in both Edward and Mickey’s houses on the day of their 18th birthday. They need to write a script for this scene, following the same form and structure of Russell’s original script (including the narrator and perhaps challenge them with including a song!)</p>
Describing a dance worksheetQuick View

Describing a dance worksheet

<p>Support sheet for KS3 and KS4 Dance students for theory work. Gives an idea of how to structure writing and key words to include when describing dance work.</p>