A revision activity on the format of the classic gameshow, featuring questions written straight from the Gateway Science C1 syllabus. A fun last minute revision task. Let me know what you think!
Ppt leads through a pub quiz style exam where students will answer a full exam paper in teams (June 2008). I have a very mixed ability class so this works well when higher ability students can share their insights with others. Due to the style of these questions it may be best to print 'handouts' with 2 slides per page to save time when recording answers. Let me know what you think.
A fun activity to play in pairs. Instructions and questions on the front, answers on the back. Make sure students keep track of their points. I use this as a starter activity to get the energy going and to liven up quite a dull topic. Let me know what you think.
Revision activity written to cover OCR unit F214 topic on excretion. Features content on the kidneys, liver, ornithine cycle etc. Starts off easy and builds up to harder questions. If you use please review and let me know of any ideas for improvement.
Cards to print and laminate with answer on one side, question on the other. Relates to OCR F214 Excretion topic, liver, kidneys etc. Use as a revision game with whole class or individual card sort activity. If you use please let me know how it goes or any suggestions to improve.
A two page document with structured answer boxes to guide students through a session of internet research. Explores the topic of evolution and Charles Darwin; survival of the fittest, peppered moths, evidence for, evidence against. Let me know what you think and if you use it, how it goes.
The Red Hot Science Starters book shows this starter as a good way of engaging pupils into a lesson on the light KS3 topic. They suggest using a line diagram such as this and asking pupils to draw lines of different colours to distinguish between emitted and reflected light, and to show the path of the light rays into the eye. They don't provide any resources to back up their suggestions so I made this one of my own which looks similar to the one they show in the book. Hopefully save you some time if you're looking to do the same thing. Let me know what you think and how it goes.
Cards to print and laminate with answer on one side, question on the other. If you print back to back and laminate, will make 2 sets double sided. Relates to OCR F214 Photosynthesis topic, light dependent, Calvin Cycle, pigments etc. Use as a revision game with whole class or individual card sort activity. If you use please let me know how it goes or any suggestions to improve.
A set of ready to print question cards to make a revision activity for OCR AS Biology module F211, focusing on the Transport in Animals section.
Questions relate to pages 52-66 of the text book. Each student receives one card, follows in a loop of questions and answers back to the beginning.
If you use this please let me know how it goes and leave an comments below.
Work booklet to guide KS4 students through an internet research lesson around the nervous system. This task is created to be used with B6 21st Century Science course and focuses on synapses and reaction times. Includes a list of interesting websites for students to use. Let me know what you think and how it goes with your class.
A worksheet leading students through a research fact finding internet browse. I know this isn't high level but I used it as cover work and thought it might save someone some time. Could also be used as a homework activity to introduce the topic and generate some interest.
Student activity to complete the definitions of new terms introduced in this section. Can be set as homework or consolidation activity. Also useful in revision and cover work. Written for OCR A2 course, F214 module.
When showing classes the documentary-movie Arctic Tale, I use this resource to highlight the implications of what is being shown. Brings out the issues of global warming, melting polar ice etc. If you show the credits at the end, this provides answers for the last question. Engaging resource I use near Christmas. Arctic Tale DVD easy to find cheaply on eBay/Amazon. Let me know what you think and if you use it, how it goes.
Print A4 and ask students to highlight all of the words as a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle choice in different colours. I use this for KS3 to introduce the topic and assess current knowledge of what is healthy or unhealthy. Can be used for lower ability KS4 or to quick recap and as a discussion prompt about the choices we make. Also useful in PSHE. Let me know what you think.
An engaging resource for a starter task where pupils are required to link together all family members.
Ask pupils how do you know they are related? (ie they look similar). Why do husbands and wives not look similar even though they are related? Lots of other questions can be shaped around the activity about genetic, inherited traits and ways people can differ in appearance.
Let me know what you think and how it goes with your class.
Practical investigation as part of the B6 Brain and Mind topic from 21st Century Science.
Students work in pairs to drop rulers and measure reaction times, with the aim to discover whether gamers have faster reflexes than non-gamers.
Numeracy - calculation of individual and class averages. Practical instructions sheet can be found in OCR materials, not uploaded here due to copyright. Let me know what you think of the resource and how it goes with your class.
Year 7 starter task for KS3 to assess learning from previous lesson on particle model (solids, liquids, gases) and changing state. Can also be used as a plenary at the end of the lesson. Could serve as a recap tool for KS4 to jog memory or test retention from KS3. Let me know how it goes.
A worksheet of focus questions for students to 'find the facts' whilst watching the superb National Geographic documentary 'Incredible Human Machine', which follows all of the fascinating functions of the human body throughout an ordinary, yet extraordinary, day. The DVD can be picked up pretty cheaply and is highly versatile with sequences relevant to pretty much every biology topic at KS3 and KS4, with some relevance to KS5. Is especially useful when teaching A-level human biology. Let me know what you think of the resource and how it goes in your class.
Ppt leads through a pub quiz style exam where students will answer a full exam paper in teams (June 2008). I have a very mixed ability class so this works well when higher ability students can share their insights with others. Due to the style of these questions it may be best to print 'handouts&' with 2 slides per page to save time when recording answers. Let me know what you think.
A blank table for pupils to complete summarising the previous debate on animal testing, arguments for and arguments against. I used this in the C1 carbon chemistry module of the OCR Gateway syllabus to cover the strand focusing on testing of perfumes etc. Can also be used in PSHE, citizenship or other reflective activities. A good way of including PLTS in lessons.