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This resource contains 20 worksheets on words ending in -ey (the /i:/ sound, long 'e' spelt – ey - English Programmes of Study: Key Stage 2 National curriculum). For example, journey, monkey, money, jockey, abbey, honey
Tasks include finding the missing words, constructing sentences, finding the meaning of several -ey words, word searches and spelling practice worksheets. Several of the worksheets are differentiated. Some worksheets are more challenging for more able pupils. Answers are provided. All tasks and worksheets are designed to encourage the identification and correct reading and spelling of these words.
This is a highly visual, 30 slide PowerPoint lesson on words ending in -ey with the long ��e’ sound. It also explains that the plural of ‘ey’ words are formed by just adding the letter ‘s’.
Save money and buy both resources together at a discounted rate:
This resource includes the worksheets plus a fully editable, highly visual and interactive 30 slide PowerPoint lesson on words ending in ‘ey’ with the long ‘e’ sound. It also explains that the plural of ‘ey’ words are formed by just adding the letter ‘s’.
This resource is appropriate for primary pupils and older SEN / ESL students who have yet to master the basics in phonics.