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pdf, 404.01 KB

This is a very heart-warming ‘Wow’ Christmas play that is interactive with loads of fun and action. It can be showcased by small class audiences and bigger groups at assemblies, classrooms, halls and in the local theatres. It focuses on the Nativity.

It starts with the ‘Wow’ angelic visitation of angel Gabriel to Mary with the message from God that she is going to have a special baby. It then follows through with lots of ‘Wow’s right to the end with the visitation of the wisemen/Kings coming to see the baby Jesus and presenting him with gifts. It concludes with a ‘Wow’ explanation on the true meaning of Christmas!

The story is most suitable for young learners in both Special and mainstream school settings and those young at heart!. The play can also be used for older learners and adults. Who would miss saying ‘Wow, wow, wow’ as the story is being told and acted out!

I have created 3 options for you to showcase this play. There is an option to use and interact with Communication aids like the voice Recorded BigMac switch to activate (‘Wow, Wow, Wow) for learners with communication difficulties or learners with complex learning difficulties. . This will encourage active engagement with or without support. It will enhance the fun and involvement for everyone. Audience participation can also be encouraged. At points in the play, the audience can we invited to shout ‘Wow Wow Wow’ too.

There is an option for learners especially in a mainstream settings to act out the full script with appropriate support provided. Audience participation can also be encouraged. At points in the play, the audience can we invited to shout ‘Wow Wow Wow’ too.

There is another option for learners to make up all the characters and cues to create their own theater (typical ‘Punch and Judy’ style) through art and craft. If characters and cues are made up they can be glued to lollipop sticks and moved on and off the stage by the learners in turn as the Story is being told. I have provided links at the end of the script for templates in case you need to use them.

The Christmas story has cross cutting themes. It has aspects of literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, expressive arts, environmental studies, Technology l and social studies strands. I have also provided some follow-up activities.



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TES Resource Team

3 months ago

We are pleased to let you know that your resource ‘Wow, Wow, Wow’ at Christmas!, has been hand-picked by the Tes resources content team to be featured in https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/blog/favourite-christmas-scripts-ey-and-primary in October 2024 on https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/blog. Congratulations on your resource being chosen and thank you for your ongoing contributions to the Tes Resources marketplace.

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