I have taught Geography for the last 14 years and for my woes am a bit of a perfectionist, in that I like my lessons to be just so; as a result I have created lots of Geography based resources to suit all secondary year groups. As a HoD (who shares!) the resources are designed to be clear and straighforward, so easy to use.
With the new specifications at GCSE and A-Level I have been rather busy updating my resources and also wrote and published a A-Level study guide on 'Water and Carbon'.
This resource has been designed for the GCSE AQA Paper 2, section A topic: Urban issues and challenges. All lessons reference the exam specification, are structured with a ‘learning link’ (starter), learning objectives + success criteria, a range of learning tasks, reflection (plenary) and also hyperlinks to key further reading resources designed for students.
This lesson;
Learning link: Key term heads and tails (with supporting hand-out at the end of the PPT)
Learning tasks: New information about population and migration in London, with supporting short video clips and key learning tasks.
Plenary: Summary task