I want to make KS2 SATs revision fun. I want it to be something students and teachers really enjoy. I have taken each of the SATs revision tests and combined the original test papers and the original marking schemes into PowerPoints where you ask a question and immediately see the the answer on the next slide. This teaching packs covers KS2 Maths and KS2 SATs SPAG tests (Spag is English grammar, punctuation and spelling Papers)
The idea is that you can now ask a question and all your students show you the answer on their mini-whiteboards and then you discuss the answers together and see what would have got one or two points. As the students can work in pairs or small groups on the questions, they are less stressed and enjoy the whole revision process. In addition, it gives them a chance to learn about other student’s strategies.
This pack could be used in the classroom for whole class teaching, for small groups or at home as a great teaching resource.
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Testing this for the first time. The content is good. Suggestion - separate answers from questions and save it in Word rather than PP so that one can print for the child to work on their own. But as I said, the content is excellent. I hope it helps my son ace the KS2
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