Lessons include:
L1 - Introduction to weather/How does weather impact the lives of people
L2 - Measuring Weather
L3 - Rainfall and Clouds (Includes Videos)
L4 - Why is our weather so changeable
L5 and 6 - Boscastle Floods
L7 - Climate and Climate Graphs
L8 - Factors that influence Climate
L9 - Assessment - Attached.
L1 - How were early settlements chosen/temporary and permanent settlements
L2 - How have settlements changed
L3 - What settlement patterns are there?
L4 - What benefits and problems occur due to the growth of settlements?
L5 - Why are there different land use patterns.
L6 - Overview/Quiz
United Kingdom
Lesson 1 - Introduction (Your Island Home)
Lesson 2 - Where do we live? (Explores Rural and Urban areas of the UK and population).
Lesson 3- What work do we do? (Explores employment sectors in the UK).
Lesson 4 - Weather
Lesson 5 and 6 - Flooding in the UK (Includes case studies and investigation task).
Climate Change:
Lesson 1 - Introduction to climate change and greenhouse gasses
Lesson 2 - Climate change and its effects
Lesson 3 - Impacts on climate change
Lesson 4 - Who will suffer the most?