In amongst the madness that is modern-day teaching, I still find time (somehow) and enjoy creating my own resources, from Key Stage 3 worksheets and PowerPoint presentations to Key Stage 5 model A-Level French & German essays, and everything in between. PLEASE leave an honest review if you purchase any of my resources! Thanks, Paul

docx, 96.42 KB
docx, 96.42 KB

A 762-word model essay in response to the AQA A-level French Paper 2 question on Faiza Guene’s Kiffe Kiffe Demain with the title “Analysez les rapports entre les personnages féminins et les personnages masculins dans ce roman.”

The model essay is accompanied by 6 exercises, including a synonym finder task, a grammar gap-fill based on adjectival agreement, a verb formation gap-fill task, a diamond 9 speaking task based on relationships between characters, an English summary task to show understanding of model essay’s structure and content (Point-Evidence-Evaluation) and the final task which requires pupils to choose the relationships they wish to analyse and to offer their thoughts to each one.

This resource could be used over the course of 2 lessons and serves as an excellent model to support less confident pupils, but also contains a wealth of vocabulary and structures in order to inspire the more able.



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3 months ago

Great worksheet, but where is the mark scheme / answers?? For the price paid I would expect the answers. Are they somewhere??

la froschelle

2 years ago

A very good start to start discussion and great follow up activities however not well balanced as it only highlights the negative relationships. I would have like to see Neil and Hamoudi mentionned too

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