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GCSE: AQA but easily adaptable
Lessons: 20
Ability: High ability, as it introduces some critical theory ideas

This scheme has been designed for a first read through with a top set Yr10 and 11. It makes time for reading the play; analysing characterisation and plot; and, towards the end, supports essay writing.

It introduces some critical theory, borrowing from AS Level Literature. Students will apply deconstructive criticism (contrasting characters), feminist theory (assessing gender dynamics) and Marxist theory (characterisation). These are introduced as low stakes note sheets that students will keep referring back to.

There is also a focus on higher level vocabulary to describe the characters.



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2 years ago

There are some really good stretch and challenge resources here, but this is not a scheme of work - some are not full structured lessons and would need adapting/supplementing with other resources. For example, for lesson 1, it is not clear what students are supposed to do, and the WAGOLL which is mentioned is not included in the scheme.

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