Study Andorra in the target language in order to facilitate analysis of the text, practice of key grammatical structures and key vocabulary. These resources in use in most of the top achieving schools in the UK will save you vast amounts of preparation time and include the following items in MS Word and pdf format.
Knowedge of the text
Page by page vocabulary list hopefully avoiding the need for use of a translation. pdf can be used as an accessible dictionary on a smart phone.
Detailed summary of the text with verbs gapped for completion (key vocab for summary given) -includes Mark scheme
Detailed questions on each chapter for individual response-no correct version given
Chapter by chapter PowerPoint visual reminding student of the sequence of events with some key quotations
Grammar in context exercises
Character builder exercise encouraging critical thinking around a wide selections of adjectives relating to character traits specific to the play
Quality of language exercises in the context of the novel encouraging use of a wide range of constructions which will add analytical writing-subjunctive, passive etc.
Quotations and reported speech exercise- requiring student to match quotations to context and then reproduce in reported speech
Examples of key verbs used in the full range of tenses
Preparation for essay
Matching of key quotations to themes
Detailed essay plan demonstrating need for careful planning before starting essay
Essay based on the specific plan
Useful links
- Links to websites regarding the life and times of the author and other free resources which may be helpful.
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This is an OK resource - the questions and tasks are quite good, BUT this is not good value for money. There are errors - for example, poor editing / proof-reading (characters from the Kafka novella are mentioned in one task, which implies a rushed cut-and-paste job. It clearly states in the description that there are 'Power point visuals' (does that mean power points? or something else?) but there are none. Some nice tasks, not worth £15
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