Gstephenson84's Shop
Gstephenson84's Shop
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Each resource has a slide to assess prior knowledge, introduction to the topic that the lesson covers and a range of tasks, activities and progress checks to assess student understanding throughout each topic. Lessons are available as a bundle to cover the whole topic of a specification (at a discounted rate) or are available to buy individual lessons.

ppt, 5.42 MB
ppt, 5.42 MB

This is a revision power point to be used when revising the content of AQA Chemistry paper 2 - it covers the key areas of the trilogy/combined course. The activities/questions/information slides covering the areas of paper 2 that tend to be most difficult for students and could be used over a number of revision lessons to prepare your students for their exams.

The power point includes:

An overview of all topics on paper 2 Chemistry
Recap of the required practical activities
Information slides to quickly recap areas of paper 2
Differentiated activities that ask students to apply their knowledge of the different topics. More difficult questions are there to ask students to apply their knowledge to unfamiliar situations. Stretch activities for the more able.
One mark questions to quickly recap topics and establish what topics need to be revisited more thoroughly than others.

The main topic areas that are covered on this revision power point are :

Rates of reaction - with required practical on this
Collision theory
Chromatography - with required practical
Crude oil
Fractional distillation
the atmosphere
the greenhouse effect
human impact
potable water
purifying water
life cycle assessments

Amongst many other areas covered



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7 years ago

Great compilation of info, questions and answers. Some of the font could be bigger - but minor alterations.


7 years ago

very good if you are doing some intense revision sessions and have some last minute cramming you need to do

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