I just wanted you to check out your slide on Cyclic photophosphorylation as I think it contains some errors. - It doesn't use the products of photolysis and it doesn't result in the production of NADPH.
2 years ago
Thank you for your review, Cyclic photophosphorylation at PS1 uses the electrons from the photolysis of water in PS2. This has been an exam question from OCR A previously where they ask where the electrons have come from for this process of Cylic P in PS1.
You are of course right that NADPH is not formed from Cyclic and I will amend this as this is an error that I have made when 1st teaching this module. Thank you for letting me know!
If you private message me your email, I will send an amended version of the resource and will email you another unit for free (if you'd like) to say thank you for your support!
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