An experienced writer of Computing/ICT resources (and four text books) my free products have been downloaded over a million times all over the world.<br>
Following years of regular 5 star ratings and very positive feedback I made the decision to start writing commercially. My commercial resources continue to be praised for their professional look and imaginative content.
Please download and enjoy!
Greg (Computing Science teacher for 23 years and now a national computing education adviser)
This unit was written to improve pupils understanding of the hardware and software components which are required to build a computer system. By learning how to understand specifications pupils should be able to make informed choices when they choose components. Geeky but great fun and engaging. The unit covers the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, Es & Os 3-08c and 4-08d. Have fun Greg P.S. Please leave feedback.
Tes classic free licence
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Excellent resources. Would be interested if you have other resources for sale other than whats on here!
5 years ago
Since I left teaching to work for Scottish Qualifications Authority three years ago (as their Computing Science advisor) I haven't written many teaching resources. Still writing books though. My latest comes out in a few weeks.<br />,-igcse-and-national-4<br />
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Thanks for the review :)
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