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KS2 well-differentiated Four-in-a-Row Game Boards and cards for consolidation of decimal place value understanding and ordering decimal numbers (1, 2 and 3 decimal places). Ideal for starters, warm ups, early finishers activities etc. Originally designed for Key Stage 2 Y5 and Y6 - or Second Level, Primary 6 and 7 in Scotland. PDF format. Full instructions included. Please check the previews to see if it is suitable.

SAVE by purchasing this as part of a BUNDLE:
Place Value Activities BUNDLE
KS2 Maths Games BUNDLE
Decimals Activities BUNDLE


• Two sets of 54 decimal number cards featuring numbers from 0.001 to 2.01 (1 set includes numbers up to 2 decimal places, the other up to 3 decimal places)

• Two A3 Four in a Row boards. The 1 star version was originally designed to go with the cards to 2 decimal places, while the more challenging 2 star version was designed for the cards to 3 decimal places. However, both sets of cards would work with either board. It works especially well in A3, however, you could scale down the board to A4 and use the smaller card set supplied.

You could have pairs take on other pairs. Each team of two starts with a set of cards (print each set on different coloured card if you don’t have coloured printing that would allow you to print the different coloured cards supplied, then laminate to use again and again). It works well if each team shuffles their cards, puts them in a pile and takes one from the top at a time, which they then put down on the board if there’s a suitable empty box. They aim to get four of their cards in a row. Each box has a stipulation about the numbers that can be placed on it (no tenths, < 1.5, > 0.31, < 0.56, five hundredths etc). To save printing you could split a set between 2 or 3 boards as a single team won’t require all 54 cards.

The cards can also be used separately from the game boards for ordering activities.

Other popular KS2 Maths / Numeracy resources:
Mental Maths Bundle
Multiplication / Division Bundle
Angles / Symmetry Bundle

Please explore more: FullShelf Resources

Get this resource as part of a bundle and save up to 51%

A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.


Place Value Games and Activities KS2 BUNDLE

Fun Key Stage 2 place value activities and games for 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 digit numbers (hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions) and decimals to 1, 2 and 3 places (tenths, hundredths, thousandths). Great for differentiation or for use across different year groups, such as Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6) - *or Second Level, Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Scotland*. Includes the following 5 packs: * **6 place value crossnumber puzzles** for numbers to ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions (includes differentiation) * **19 place value dice games** (3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 digit numbers and decimals to 1, 2 and 3 places). Includes ordering numbers. Many different levels of challenge * **Differentiated decimals place value four in a row games** * **56 self-checking mental maths place value trails** worksheets for 5-digit numbers (or laminate to make re-usable boards) - 2 levels of challenge for differentiation * **72 self-checking mental maths place value trails** for 6 and 7-digit numbers (with differentiation) &nbsp; ***For clear previews and more information, please see the 5 individual resource pages.*** &nbsp; Thank you very much for supporting my store. &nbsp; ***YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE...*** **[Maths Puzzles Worksheets HUGE BUNDLE](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks2-maths-activities-11809251) [Area and Perimeter Activities BUNDLE](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/area-and-perimeter-game-pack-11551456)** &nbsp; **Explore more at [FullShelf Resources](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/FullShelf)**


Place Value and Rounding KS2 BUNDLE

An Upper KS2 BUNDLE (providing challenge and differentiation across Years 4, 5 and 6) of fun place value and rounding activities and games for numbers up to 7 digits (millions) and decimals. Includes the following 7 packs to use again and again to build number sense: * **6 place value crossnumber puzzles** for numbers to ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions (includes differentiation) * **7 rounding hidden word puzzles** (to nearest 10, 100, 1000, whole number, 1 decimal place, 2 decimals places and money to the nearest pound or dollar) * **19 place value dice games** (3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 digit numbers and decimals to 1, 2 and 3 places). Includes ordering numbers. Many different levels of challenge * **17 rounding (and estimation) dice games** (to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, million, whole number, tenth, hundredth, estimating the sum and difference by rounding to the nearest ten) * **Differentiated decimals place value four in a row games** * **56 self-checking mental maths place value trails** worksheets for 5-digit numbers (or laminate to make re-usable boards) - 2 levels of challenge for differentiation * **72 self-checking mental maths place value trails** for 6 and 7-digit numbers (with differentiation) &nbsp; ***For clear previews and more information, please see the 7 individual resource pages.*** &nbsp; Thank you very much for supporting my store. &nbsp; ***YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE...*** **[Maths Puzzles Worksheets HUGE BUNDLE](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks2-maths-activities-11809251) [Area and Perimeter Activities BUNDLE](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/area-and-perimeter-game-pack-11551456)** &nbsp; **Explore more at [FullShelf Resources](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/FullShelf)**


Fractions Decimals Percentages BUNDLE

Early finishers activities and starter tasks BUNDLE of fractions, decimals and percents puzzles worksheets and decimals place value games, made for Key Stage 2 (KS2) Maths / Numeracy (Year 5 and 6), and KS3 (Year 7) for revision. 19 fun, no-prep Hidden Word / Spot the Mistakes puzzles (and answer keys) plus differentiated Four in a Row game boards and cards for place value understanding and ordering of decimal numbers to 2 and 3 decimal places. Ideal starters, warm ups, revision, early finishers challenges and homework activities. **Fractions Puzzles Included:** * Puzzles 1 and 2: Equivalent Fractions * Puzzle 3: Fractions in Simplest Form / Simplifying Fractions * Puzzle 4: Fractions of Quantities / Amounts (Unit Fractions) * Puzzle 5: Fractions of Quantities / Amounts (Harder) * Puzzle 6: Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions **Decimals Puzzles included: ** * Ordering Decimals (Easier 1 star version) * Ordering Decimals (More challenging 2 star version) * Mental Addition and Subtraction of Decimals (Easier 1 star version) * Mental Addition and Subtraction of Decimals (More challenging 2 star version) * Multiplying Decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 * Dividing Decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 * Multiplying Decimals using Times Tables Facts **Percentages Puzzles included: ** * Decimal and Fraction Equivalents * Percentages of Quantities / Amounts (Easier 1 star version) * Percentages of Quantities / Amounts (More challenging 2 star version) * Percentage Increases * Percentages Decreases * Price Increases and Decreases by percentages (Pound AND dollar versions) An engaging alternative to worksheets, these no prep puzzles make ideal starter, early finisher or homework activities. They can be completed individually or in pairs / groups. These puzzles are similar to codebreaker puzzles, with a maths-related word to be revealed after completing the calculations. Each puzzle contains a grid. Within each box is a decimals, fractions or percentages calculation and a letter. Students circle any boxes containing errors. Then they put together the letters from the remaining boxes to reveal a maths word. On some puzzles there is a further challenge question / task at the bottom of the page linked to the hidden word. Students often forget or avoid checking their own work for errors so it’s great to get them carefully checking the calculations in these puzzles. Spotting common errors may help them remember to check their own work and help them avoid common errors themselves. **For more information on the Decimals Four in a Row Games, please click on the individual resource pack.** Please explore my TES store for more Maths puzzles for different concepts. Some of my other popular KS2 Maths resources: * **[6 Differentiated Four in a Row Games for Fractions of Amounts](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/fractions-of-amounts-games-12084826)** * **[54-Card Active Game / Treasure Hunt for Fractions of Amounts](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/fractions-of-quantities-11973907)** * **[54-Card Active Game / Treasure Hunt for Adding and Subtracting Decimals to One Place](http://)** **[Mental Maths Bundle Year 5 Year 6](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-maths-bundle-year-5-6-11671523)** **[Multiplication / Division Bundle](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks2-multiplication-division-bundle-11673875)** **[Angles / Symmetry Activities Bundle](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks2-angles-and-symmetry-activities-bundle-11672549)** Thank you for your interest in my resources. I hope your students enjoy using them. I would be grateful for a review if you get a spare moment. Please visit **[FullShelf Resources](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/FullShelf)** for engaging, time-saving printables, activities and presentations to plan Primary (and some Secondary) Literacy / English, Maths / Numeracy and French lessons.


Maths Games KS2

Fun fast finisher activities and starter tasks! Designed for Upper KS2 Year 5 and Year 6 (Y5 and Y6), this is a BUNDLE of printable, well-differentiated Four in a Row Game Boards for starters, warm ups and early finisher activities in Maths / Numeracy lessons. Great for revision or consolidation of new concepts. Includes games for **Area, Money, Doubles and Halves, Times Tables and Decimal Numbers (Place Value)**. *In Scotland, suits Second Level Maths - Primary 6 and 7.* Expand your bank of Key Stage 2 games with this great value BUNDLE of easy-to-prepare, fun and strategic 4-in-a-rows. Most just require printing and laminating. I recommend printing in A3 but A4 would be okay too. You might need to quickly adjust printer settings with some of the files. Laminate games to use again and again, with children writing on the boards with a dry-wipe marker / whiteboard pen. **INSTRUCTIONS:** Two children (or two pairs of children) take it in turns to write an answer in a box. Ideally they use a different colour whiteboard pen, however if this is not possible they could add an initial or symbol each time too. First to get 4 in a row - vertically, horizontally or diagonally - is the winner. The games work especially well if students roll a dice to determine which column they should answer a question from. The columns are numbered 1-6. If the column is already completed, they could either miss a go or roll again. **You can find previews and more information about each resource that is included in this bundle if you click on them but here are some details:** **CHANGE FOR £20** 2 standard game boards and 2 lower ability boards. Children roll dice to find out which column they can do a calculation in and then must work out the change required for £20 for one of the items pictured and priced in that column. Children write on the change using different colour whiteboard pens or add their initials. All answers included. **DOUBLES AND HALVES** 10 boards to consolidate doubling and halving of **two and three digit numbers**. Includes a one-star version of both the doubling and halving game for younger or lower ability pupils - sidebars are included, featuring all answers, which children can strike through when used. It’s also included without the answer sidebars in case your pupils don’t need this added support. This version focuses on lower 2-digit numbers and multiples of 10. Then there’s four different, more challenging versions of both the doubling and halving boards (two and three-star versions). All answers included. Play as the money game above. **AREA** 3 differentiated boards: One-star version - area of rectangles, squares and right-angled triangles. No conversion required. Two-star version – as above but with more challenging calculations. Some conversion required between centimetres, metres etc. Includes decimal lengths and breadths. Three-star version - area of rectangles, squares, right-angled triangles and compound shapes. Some conversion required. Includes decimal lengths and breadths and more challenging calculations. Some of the compound shapes require children to work out the length of a side, using other given sides, before they can work out the area. Children will be able to do some of the calculations mentally but could use paper or mini whiteboards to work out the more challenging ones before writing in the answer on the grid. **TIMES TABLES** 4 Times Table Boards in colour and black and white versions. All 4 available in LA supported versions (with answer sideboards), standard version (2-9 times tables) and in a version with 11 and 12 times tables added. Use whiteboard pens as in the games above. **DECIMAL PLACE VALUE** Consolidate place value to 2 or 3 decimal places. 2 differentiated boards: The 1 star board was originally designed to go with the cards to 2 decimal places, while the more challenging 2 star version was designed for the cards to 3 decimal places. However, both sets of cards would work with either board. For use with this game are two sets of 54 decimal number cards featuring numbers from 0.001 to 2.01 (1 set includes numbers up to 2 decimal places, the other up to 3 decimal places). I hope these resources save you time and help your students learn in a fun way. Thank you so much if you are able to spare the time to review them on TES. Other popular KS2 Numeracy and Maths resources: **[Mental Maths Bundle Year 5 / 6](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-maths-bundle-year-5-6-11671523)** **[Maths Puzzle Worksheets MEGA BUNDLE](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks2-maths-activities-11809251)** **[Angles BUNDLE](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks2-angles-bundle-11803965)** **[Area and Perimeter BUNDLE](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/area-and-perimeter-game-pack-11551456)** Thanks for supporting my resources. You can explore many more at **[FullShelf Resources](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/FullShelf)**


Decimals Activities KS2

KS2 (especially Year 5 and 6) Decimals Puzzles Worksheets and Games. Fun lesson activities for revision of Ordering Decimals, Mental Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Numbers, Multiplying and Dividing Decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 and Multiplying Decimals Using Times Tables Facts. Ideal for starters, warm ups, early finishers challenges, revision tasks and homework. All resources in PDF. Answers supplied where relevant. Please check individual resource pages and previews to see if these will meet your needs. Included resources: **[7 Hidden Word / Spot the Mistakes Puzzles](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/decimals-11801230)**: * Ordering (to two decimal places) * Ordering (to three decimal places) * Mental Addition and Subtraction (to one decimal place) * Mental Addition and Subtraction (to two decimal places) * Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 * Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 * Multiplying using Times Tables Facts An engaging alternative to standard worksheets, these no prep puzzles can be completed individually or in pairs / groups. They are similar to codebreaker puzzles, with a maths-related word to be revealed after completing the calculations. Each puzzle contains a grid. Within each box is a decimals calculation and a letter. Students circle any boxes containing errors. Then they put together the letters from the remaining boxes to reveal a maths word. Students often forget or avoid checking their own work for errors so it’s great to get them carefully checking the calculations in these puzzles. Spotting common errors may help them remember to check their own work and help them avoid common errors themselves. **[Well-differentiated Decimal Place Value Four-in-a-Row Game Boards and Cards](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/place-value-decimals-11544264)**: Use for consolidation of decimal place value understanding and ordering decimal numbers (1, 2 and 3 decimal places). Includes: • Two sets of 54 decimal number cards featuring numbers from 0.001 to 2.01 (1 set includes numbers up to 2 decimal places, the other up to 3 decimal places) • Two A3 Four in a Row boards. The 1 star version was originally designed to go with the cards to 2 decimal places, while the more challenging 2 star version was designed for the cards to 3 decimal places. However, both sets of cards would work with either board. It works especially well in A3, however, you could scale down the board to A4 and use the smaller card set supplied. You could have pairs take on other pairs. Each team of two starts with a set of cards (print each set on different coloured card if you don't have coloured printing that would allow you to print the different coloured cards supplied, then laminate to use again and again). It works well if each team shuffles their cards, puts them in a pile and takes one from the top at a time, which they then put down on the board if there's a suitable empty box. They aim to get four of their cards in a row. Each box has a stipulation about the numbers that can be placed on it (no tenths, < 1.5, > 0.31, < 0.56, five hundredths etc). To save printing you could split a set between 2 or 3 boards as a single team won't require all 54 cards. The cards can also be used separately from the game boards for ordering activities. **[Decimal Numbers to 1 Decimal Place Numeracy Treasure Hunt ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/decimals-adding-subtracting-11973199)**: An active printable mental maths team game, with **differentiation**, ideal as a whole class starter or plenary, especially when focusing on addition and subtraction of decimals or place value to tenths / one decimal place. It can be played multiple times in a lesson or across several lessons as groups can use different card sets each time. Teams complete a treasure hunt-type chain of decimals calculations, followed by a 'Find the Target Number' mental maths challenge, using a mixture of the four operations. There are 54 double-sided cards, forming sets of 6 cards for 9 teams. **A key feature is the chance to involve lower ability students in a fun whole class activity to give them a boost of confidence without it being obvious their calculations are less challenging (3 of the sets are at an easier level).** Full instructions included, along with solutions. Other popular KS2 Maths / Numeracy resources: **[Mental Maths Bundle](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mental-maths-bundle-year-5-6-11671523)** **[Multiplication / Division Bundle](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks2-multiplication-division-bundle-11673875)** **[Angles / Symmetry Bundle](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks2-angles-and-symmetry-activities-bundle-11672549)** **[A Mega Bundle of 12 of Hidden Word Maths Puzzle Packs](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ks2-maths-activities-11809251)** Thank you so much for your interest and support. Please visit **[FullShelf Resources](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/FullShelf)** for engaging, time-saving printables, activities and presentations to plan Primary Literacy / English, Maths / Numeracy and French lessons.




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