docx, 11.07 KB
docx, 11.07 KB
Ticks every box a teacher could want. This resource allows the learner or teacher to create whatever design or written work they choose.
Easily editable and totally user friendly. I am regularly told by my students this is the best thing they could use for their art or poster work. I'm also no expert but this resource can also make paper aeroplanes/origami an absolute cinch.
Can be printed in a range of colours. Just insert correct colour paper in copier or if your budget needs spending, select background colour in the document and watch that toner go.
Your go to resource for Ofsted or pesky drop-ins/observations. Probably comparable to the invention of the wheel.



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7 years ago

This ‘resource’ reminds me a bit of John Cage’s famous musical piece, 4'33" (and if you’re truly qualified to teach the youth of tomorrow, you’ll know what I’m talking about without having to Google that). Even though it could be seen as deeply philosophical and liberating, I’m not sure such profound pondering is really what TES teachers are looking for in that all-too-familiar late night no-lesson-plan-for-tomorrow panic, fresh from returning home on a Wednesday night after going to the pub to watch the Champions League (or whatever excuse female teachers might have). If there is truly any merit in this, it could do with a few tweaks at least. I’d like to see a bit more substance: some markings and borders would be a good starting point, a bit of structure. Supposedly this is ‘double-sided’, but there is actually only one page. Nice try, Mr Doxy. Technical caveat: I’ve only got Word 2007, so would like to see how this looks in the latest version.

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