A Google Slides version of my Canva presentation. Not all video links are available as they are copyrighted and I purchased from the companies directly, however you are welcome to copy the slides. I compiled this from the different company websites to give students an introduction and overview of their work and style, as an intro to DP theatre.
The presentation includes Gecko, Frantic Assembly, The Paper Birds, Complicité, and Splendid Productions. All videos can be found on YouTube or the company websites.
Hope this helps with getting starting with the DP1 cohort.
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Think this is a fantastic power point! Really well put together! Was just wondering if there are any resource packs for the exercises labelled in the power point! THANK YOU AGAIN! x
2 years ago
Hi. So sorry for the late reply. I didn't include some resources, purely because they are not my own and belong to the companies that wrote them. However I am happy to point you in the right direction: https://www.geckotheatre.com/gecko-engage for Gecko. https://www.franticassembly.co.uk/frantic-digital for Frantic Assembly. https://www.thepaperbirds.com/resources/ for paper Birds. I also bought their Ask me Anything Pack - but that is now available through Digital theatre Plus if your school has that. And finally - http://www.complicite.org/resources.php for Complicité. hope that helps if not too late. Thanks again
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