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Research task appropriate for a cover lesson for high ability KS3 or for KS4 drama. A simple but beneficial task which pupils should be able to complete independently if taught by non-specialists.

Resources required: Computers, pens / pencils, paper or work books (or pupils could type their work up).

**Task: **
Pupils will research a number of key words and terms which link to various elements of theatrical design and create a glossary to use as a learning reference tool in future lessons or for revision.

Design elements included: Set, sound, lighting, costume, hair, make-up.
Total of 57 words/terms provided!

Learning Objectives:
You must: Include the key word / term in your glossary.
Provide a definition of the word / term, which is written in your own words.
Make sure that the definition you provide links to drama.
You should: Focus on words / terms which you do not know the meaning of.
Add sketches to your work to refer back to when using your glossary in class.
You could: Alphabetise the words / terms.

**Extension task: **
Create a key and colour code the words / terms to show which areas of theatrical design they link to.

Pupil Ownership / Engagement:

  • Pupils select the words which they wish to research. Words are divided into elements of theatrical design to help them to identify words linking to areas of interest.
  • A few intriguing / funny sounding words and terms provided to hook pupils in

Cross-curricular links:

  • Science: Vocabulary for describing transparency of materials
  • Music: Vocabulary for describing sound
  • Art: Vocabulary for describing make-up tone and effects. Drawing task included
  • Media studies: Vocabulary for describing different types of sound effects
  • English … obviously!



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