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This is a collection of 7 individual lessons that could be taught by a non-specialist. There are notes to guide the teacher, as well as the lesson plans and resources.
They are designed for occasions when the Drama teacher has to be absent and somebody else is filling in.
There are also 4 short scripts that are not finished. They can be read and then groups act out what happens next, or they can write the rest of the script.
I have included some advice about script writing lessons.
The lessons have all been used used with 11 to 14 year old students many times.
The first lesson revolves around a diary entry that can be printed out or projected.
The second lesson uses a picture as the stimulus material.
Magic powers is the topic of the third lesson.
The fourth lesson has a planning sheet and can easily be spread over two lessons.
‘Conversations from Starting Lines’ can be done with the students seated for the whole time if necessary. (Some cover teachers refuse to let the students move around.)
‘Role Reversals’ has the students consider situations from two sides.
The lesson titled ‘Mime’ is about silent acting. Many times I have been forced to conduct Drama lessons in ordinary classrooms with other lessons going on next door. Silent acting is better than no acting, and this lesson has lots of ideas for it.
All the lesson plans can be edited, so the teacher setting the work can change it.



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