Each upload is a unit for the EdExcel GCSE spec. Each PowerPoint includes starters, class work, examples, plenary + answers. I teach these myself and I upload them as I create them. If I reteach anything, I update it on here. Most material is made from things I've accumulated over the years from others or things I have created myself. I don't remember every item I have used and who from (hence my stuff is all free), as it was when I first used it.
If you want to get me a coffee: Paypal @abhawtin
Following the Pearson Edexcel GCSE SOW for Higher students. Unit 13 - More Trigonometry. Bounds, Trig Graphs & Solving, Transforming Trig Graphs, Area of a Triangle/Segment, Sine Rule, Cosine Rule, Bearings, 3D Trigonometry . Each PowerPoint is a full lesson including starter, examples, questions and plenary. The retrieval starter will link to the prior lessons here and in prior units I’ve uploaded. Credits to Mr Barton, Corbett maths, drfrostmaths and others from whom i have sourced some questions and slides. Some are my own too.
Thank you for your comments. Thanks for the note of the issue, I've just checked and my version is corrupt too, I'll put a note to redo this one and re-upload
3 years ago
I've just put this back together and re-uploaded, if you re-download it should work for you. Let me know if not.
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