GCSE EDUQAS Religious Studies Roman Catholic Christinaity Component: Powerpoint and Workbooks for topic on Good Evil and Suffering
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EDUQAS GCSE ROUTE B RC Christianity and Judaism
GCSE EDUQAS Religious Studies Roman Catholic Christinaity: Powerpoints and Workbooks for topics in Foundation Theology Roman Catholic Christianity, Applied Theology and Judaism Resources for the Whole GCSE Course
EDUQAS GCSE ROUTE B Roman Catholic Christianity
GCSE EDUQAS Religious Studies Roman Catholic Christinaity: Powerpoint and Workbook for topics in Foundation Theology Roman Catholic Christianity
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The resources are a lot of copying from the text book e.g. a copied out section of the textbook on Catholic ambivalence to suffering and the exact same table from the textbook to accompany. Very poor. Wish I could get a refund!
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