I have been teaching MATHEMATICS (11-16) since 1990. I have regularly been commended on my classroom displays and the quality of my resources as I feel this enriches the student experience.
As a self-taught graphic designer I now produce professional quality materials for our academy/academy chain across all departments including posters/banners and promotional materials. I am currently working on updating some older resources as well as developing new ones!
Step-by-step instructions (PowerPoint) on how to use factor trees to decompose a number into a product of primes.
This can be left on a loop while the class are working.
A further menu driven PowerPoint that has ALL the solutions for each number (minus a few variations)
No worksheets. I just get the pupils to ‘shout out’ several numbers between 2 and 100 and write these on the board.
(although I sometimes add a few myself)
Class marks their own work from solutions PowerPoint