French subjunctive and imperative paired or group speaking activity
No prep printable paired or group speaking activity to practice forming the present subjunctive. Students will see how useful the subjunctive is with one expression repeated over and over again: Vous voulez que ____?
Élève 1: Prenez le bus. (Student reads the sentence in the imperative)
Take the bus.
Élève 2: Vous voulez que je ____? (prenne le bus)
You want me to take the bus?
Élève 3: Vous voulez que nous ____? (prenions le bus)
You want us to take the bus?
Élève 4: Oui, je veux que vous ____? (preniez le bus)
Yes, I want you to take the bus.
☞ 2 pages of activities following the model in the example (30 sets of sentences)
☞ Answer key
☞ French subjunctive or indicative paired activities and worksheet☞ French subjunctive or indicative paired activities and worksheet
☞ French subjunctive or indicative worksheet - Complétez les phrases
☞ French present subjunctive crossword puzzles - Mots croisés
☞ Verbes au subjonctif - 60 verbes français à conjuguer
☞ French present subjunctive battleship games
☞ French Subjunctive Video Lesson + Lesson Guide + Exercises - Le Subjonctif
☞ French present subjunctive sudoku games
☞ French subjunctive powerpoint jeopardy game - Le subjonctif
☞ French present subjunctive worksheet - Il faut que - Subjonctif présent
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