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I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter! I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!

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These resources celebrate the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic games. They build student’s knowledge of sports vocabulary and adjectives using YouTube extracts, colourful slides, animations, matching cards, a video extract worksheet and finally a creative task to help the students express their Olympic/Paralympic passions!

Slide 2 presents the differentiated lesson objectives. Slide 3 has the Olympic motto and some great black and white pictures of Olympian heroes. Slide 4 is the warmer task to name as many Olympic/Paralympic sports as possible from student’s previous knowledge and includes links to the Ensemble Campagne officielle du CIO in both French and English (1 min 30 secs each) to inspire the students. They may do this in teams, pairs or individually. The full list of Olympic and Paralympic events can be found on a PDF in these resources.

Slides 5 to 43 build new Olympic/Paralympic sports vocabulary. Expressions presented:

Le canoë-kayak
Les sports équestres
La lutte
Le plongeon
La natation synchronisée
Le tir
Le tir à l'arc
La voile

Slide 5 invites the students to:

All: Match Up!
Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge!
Some: Quick Fire Questions! *Here the students quiz each other, e.g French to English, English to French, spellings etc. of the new vocabulary.

Slides 6 to 17 have 1 slide per expression and allow you to drill the new vocabulary. Then there is graded questioning.

Slides 19 to 30 show the images and give the students a choice of two possible sports to choose from. Then slides 31 to 43 are what’s missing? slides.

Slide 44 should be used in conjunction with the worksheet. Here the students tick the sports they see on the Paralympic trailer video (2 mins 48 secs) and includes an extension task for stronger students. The answers are on the first two pages of the worksheet PDF.

The next slide should be used in conjunction with the English-French adjectives matching cards. Adjectives: travailleur/ euse, enthousiaste, paresseux/euse, nerveux/euse, concentré(e), assuré(e), détendu, ravi(e), fier/ fière, égoïste, têtu(e), lent(e), rapide, bavard(e), habile.

Then complete the second half of the worksheet where students watch the official Rio 2016 trailer and tick the adjectives which reflect the emotions of the athletes and spectators as well as other adjectives to describe what they see. There is an extension task.

Then the students have a choice of three creative tasks: to design and decorate in French an Olympic torch, a flag or to write a poem about their Olympian/Paralympic hero. Both PowerPoint slides have an accompanying worksheet including a suggested poem template.

The final slide provides an opportunity for reflection.


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