This communicative activity, based around a classic pairs game, is created as a fun activity to practice students’ French speaking and listening skills around the subject of weather. It is a simple and short activity that encourages students to communicate in French in a natural and conversational way. There are two sheets attached. One colour version of the game, and one black and white, which can be used for younger students as an extended colouring activity.
Kids will practice how to say
Quel temps fait-il?
Il fait froid
Il fait chaud
Il fait beau
Il fait mauvais
Il pleut
Il neige
Il y a du vent
Il y a du soleil
You will need to print and cut out two copies of one of the weather sheets per game, and the game is played as follows.
Students can play in pairs, but for larger classes you could double the students up to have two kids per team.
Player1 asks player 2 the question 'Quel temps fait-il?'
Player two responds with one of the weather phrases at random, eg. Il pleut
Player 1 must turn over two of the il pleut cards. She must try and say the weather phrases on the cards that she picks up. If Player 1 picks the correct two matching cards, she keeps them and has another go. If she picks the wrong cards she puts them back and it is the turn of player 2 to ask ‘Quel temps fait-il?’ and for player 1 to suggest a weather expression to find.
The player with the most amount of pairs at the end is the winner.
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nice resource for a game - thank you :-)
So cute, thank you for all your hard work, love your videos, thanks for the free weather cards!
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