Really great lesson for converting between fractions decimals and percentages with a calculator. Written for Ofsted week. Lesson centres around prime ministers under the current queen. lots of great E&D and BV embedded. Promotes some very interesting discussion especially with adult learners, not had anyone name all the primes ministers yet!
Includes a starter where your can print and laminate the pictures of the prime ministers (or show on board if preferred) then have the learners create a table of names, number of years served and political party includes reading for information (embedding English)- if anything like my learners they need the practice.
Includes 31 page work booklet which accompanies the PPT with resources and activities included. Catchphrase and code breaker. I have also tagged probability onto this lesson as it was a 2.5 hr lesson, so there is enough to do to cover 2 shorter lessons easy enough to split up. All answers included on PPT for peer marking and or self assessment. FDP conversion dominoes included.
I hope your learners enjoy this lesson as much as mine do it has been very successful this year. I recommend printing the resources in a booklet.
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Well planned resource with well related worksheets...
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