GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Cards x20 keyword topic revision cards
Campaigning and Citizenship Action CIT/C8/KT/08
This resource includes:
- x20 keyword topic revision cards with Included pictures
- x20 keyword topic revision cards with a drawing activity instead
Each keyword topic revision card includes.
- Key Term
- Definition
- Synonym
- Example of the word in a sentence
- Picture or Icon
- Two or three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique Qs’ x60 copies
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the key terms) These are designed to help your students learn the new vocabulary required for the new GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
This resource is also useful for PP/ EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources.
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GCSE Citizenship Revision 9-1 OCR Over 120+ Resources
Over 100+ Intervention sheets for OCR Sections 1- 4 and much more... Product Code: CIT/C8B/OCR19 Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards **This Resource Contains:** * Intervention and revision materials for OCR Sections 1- 3 * x50+ 1-5 version for lower ability * x50+ 6-9 for higher and middle ability students. * x1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment Section 4: Active Citizenship * x20 Revision and Key terms cards for Active Citizenship Element * x1 Active Citizenship Campaign ideas * x1 GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Quiz * x1 NEW for 2019 Exams GCSE Citizenship Ultimate Revision Quiz * Active Citizenship Reflection OCR Work Booklet Product Code: CIT/C8B/OCR19 List of Revision and Intervention topics included: See image previews and titles of all the attached files of each product These are fully adaptable templates that can be used to help students structure their written responses to both source based analysis questions and evaluate the statement 15 mark questions. Please note: All links provided should work as of Jan 2019. However, due to news websites changing content regularly you may need to update the article links yourself if you find a link does not work anymore on an intervention sheet. YouTube links will all be fine. Each 6-9 Intervention sheet comes with a marking criteria for self / peer and teacher assessment and a list of content that could have been included in the essay (Arguments and key terms that could have been used to evaluate either side of the essay statement) Designed to help those students who struggle with all the renewed focus on 100% exam for OCR GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1 How could you use this resource? Homework tasks Targeted Intervention groups Peer assessment criteria for timed essay practice Self assessment criteria for timed essay practice Teacher assessment at the end of a unit Revision for exam technique for GCSE Citizenship You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources. [OCR Knowledge Organiser ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ocr-gcse-citizenship-9-1-revision-plc-11927795) [OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-ocr-section-1-exam-assessment-bundle-11967735) [OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-ocr-section-2-exam-assessment-bundle-11967734) [OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 3](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-ocr-section-3-exam-assessment-bundle-11967733) [Campaigning Student Resources ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-9-1-active-citizenship-campaign-booklet-11934276) [British Values Quiz ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/british-values-quiz-11948971) Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email. Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!! Explore all our resources on TES
Active Citizenship - OCR
Ultimate OCR Active Citizenship Bundle for GCSE Citizenship. CIT/C8B/OCR16 Contents * OCR Personalised Learning Checklist * GCSE CITIZENSHIP (9-1) Revision * 11 page Student Campaign Booklet 2018 Active Citizenship * A Free Campaign Ideas Booklet * Active Citizenship Revision * OCR Reflection Activities * Active Citizenship Key Term Revision Cards The OCR Personalised learning checklist is a 14 page document covers 100+ topics, can be used by students to help structure their revision for the new OCR GCSE CITIZENSHIP. Designed to help support potentially struggling students by providing a renewed focus on 100% exam revision for OCR GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1 CIT/C8B/OCR16 This document is the most important part of your revision and prep. How can it be used? Here are just a few suggestions to get the most of this revision aid; - Colour code how much you know already for each topic - As you complete revision and grow in confidence on each topic colour more boxes and tick if you have completed the revision. -Use your textbook and exercise book to help focus your revision. -Peer and self-assessment -Revision material before exams -Extension/ review activity in a lesson **11 page Student Campaign Booklet 2018 Active Citizenship:** A guide for students to work through **Plus a free 9 page**[ Active Citizenship Advice Booklet! ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-9-1-active-citizenship-campaign-ideas-11929309) This will help students: Research, Plan, Organise and undertake a full Citizenship Campaign. This is a Student Booklet, showing teachers and the students EXACTLY what the exam boards are looking for from the 15% Active Citizenship element (now examined in the final test at the end of the course.) This resource can be easily applied to all 3 Exam Boards. This campaign booklet contains an overall plan of what the students could do each lesson, with questions to encourage them to think critically about their campaigns. It also highlights key information the exam boards are looking for the students to undertake and understand. This resource will also help students create or join an existing campaign that will produce a positive outcome for a group of people in the community or wider society. Includes a template for students to write up and evaluate their campaign (exam practice.) Here are a few examples: [OCR Knowledge Organiser ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ocr-gcse-citizenship-9-1-revision-plc-11927795) [OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-ocr-section-1-exam-assessment-bundle-11967735) [OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-ocr-section-2-exam-assessment-bundle-11967734) [OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 3](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-ocr-section-3-exam-assessment-bundle-11967733) [OCR Revision and Intervention Full course](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-revision-9-1-ocr-over-120-resources-11994799) [Campaigning Student Resources ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-9-1-active-citizenship-campaign-booklet-11934276) [British Values Quiz ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/british-values-quiz-11948971)
Active Citizenship - AQA
Ultimate AQA Active Citizenship Bundle for GCSE Citizenship. CIT/C8B/A20 Contents * AQA Personalised Learning Checklist * GCSE CITIZENSHIP (9-1) Revision * 11 page Student Campaign Booklet * 2018 Active Citizenship * A Free Campaign Ideas Booklet * Active Citizenship Revision * AQA Reflection Activities * Active Citizenship Key Term Revision Cards The AQA Personalised learning checklist is a 13 page document covers 100+ topics, can be used by students to help structure their revision for the new AQA GCSE CITIZENSHIP. Designed to help support potentially struggling students by providing a renewed focus on 100% exam revision for AQA GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1 This document is the most important part of your revision and prep. CIT/C8B/A20 How can it be used? Here are just a few suggestions to get the most of this revision aid; - Colour code how much you know already for each topic - As you complete revision and grow in confidence on each topic colour more boxes and tick if you have completed the revision. -Use your textbook and exercise book to help focus your revision. -Peer and self-assessment -Revision material before exams -Extension/ review activity in a lesson **11 page Student Campaign Booklet 2018 Active Citizenship:** A guide for students to work through **Plus a free 9 page**[ Active Citizenship Advice Booklet! ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-9-1-active-citizenship-campaign-ideas-11929309) This will help students: Research, Plan, Organise and undertake a full Citizenship Campaign. This is a Student Booklet, showing teachers and the students EXACTLY what the exam boards are looking for from the 15% Active Citizenship element (now examined in the final test at the end of the course.) This campaign booklet contains an overall plan of what the students could do each lesson, with questions to encourage them to think critically about their campaigns. It also highlights key information the exam boards are looking for the students to undertake and understand. This resource will also help students create or join an existing campaign that will produce a positive outcome for a group of people in the community or wider society. Includes a template for students to write up and evaluate their campaign (exam practice.) You may also want to check out our very popular GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets. Here are a few examples: [AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 1](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-aqa-theme-1-exam-assessment-bundle-11967720) [AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 2](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-aqa-theme-2-exam-assessment-bundle-11967723) [AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 3](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-aqa-theme-3-exam-assessment-bundle-11967724) [AQA Complete Revision and Intervention Package](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-revision-9-1-aqa-over-120-resources-11994800) [Campaigning Student Resources ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-9-1-active-citizenship-campaign-booklet-11934276) [British Values Quiz ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/british-values-quiz-11948971) [GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Quiz ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-9-1-revision-11971764)
Active Citizenship - Edexcel
Ultimate EDEXCEL Active Citizenship Bundle for GCSE Citizenship. CIT/C8B/E16 Contents * EDEXCEL Personalised Learning Checklist * GCSE CITIZENSHIP (9-1) Revision * 11 page Student Campaign Booklet 2018 Active Citizenship - * A Free Campaign Ideas Booklet * Active Citizenship Revision * EDEXCEL Reflection Activities * Active Citizenship Key Term Revision Cards The EDEXCEL Personalised learning checklist is a 12 page document covers 100+ topics, can be used by students to help structure their revision for the new EDEXCEL GCSE CITIZENSHIP. Designed to help support potentially struggling students by providing a renewed focus on 100% exam revision for EDEXCEL GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1 This document is the most important part of your revision and prep. CIT/C8B/E16 How can it be used? Here are just a few suggestions to get the most of this revision aid; - Colour code how much you know already for each topic - As you complete revision and grow in confidence on each topic colour more boxes and tick if you have completed the revision. -Use your textbook and exercise book to help focus your revision. -Peer and self-assessment -Revision material before exams -Extension/ review activity in a lesson **11 page Student Campaign Booklet 2018 Active Citizenship:** A guide for students to work through **Plus a free 9 page**[ Active Citizenship Advice Booklet! ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-9-1-active-citizenship-campaign-ideas-11929309) This will help students: Research, Plan, Organise and undertake a full Citizenship Campaign. This is a Student Booklet, showing teachers and the students EXACTLY what the exam boards are looking for from the 15% Active Citizenship element (now examined in the final test at the end of the course.) This campaign booklet contains an overall plan of what the students could do each lesson, with questions to encourage them to think critically about their campaigns. It also highlights key information the exam boards are looking for the students to undertake and understand. This resource will also help students create or join an existing campaign that will produce a positive outcome for a group of people in the community or wider society. Includes a template for students to write up and evaluate their campaign (exam practice.) Here are a few examples of our most popular EDEXCEL GCSE Resources : [EDEXCEL Knowledge Organiser ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-gcse-citizenship-9-1-revision-plc-11927804) [EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme A](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-edexcel-theme-a-exam-assessment-bundle-11967753) [EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme B](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-edexcel-theme-b-exam-assessment-bundle-11967752) [EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme C](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-edexcel-theme-c-exam-assessment-bundle-11967751) [EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme D](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-edexcel-theme-d-exam-assessment-bundle-11967750) [EDEXCEL Revision and Intervention Package](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-revision-9-1-ocr-over-120-resources-11994799) [Campaigning Active Citizenship Student Resources ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-9-1-active-citizenship-campaign-booklet-11934276) [British Values Quiz ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/british-values-quiz-11948971) Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email. Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!! Explore all our resources on TES
GCSE Citizenship Revision 9-1 AQA Over 130+ Resources
Over 100+ Intervention sheets for AQA Themes 1- 4 and much much more... Product code: CIT/C8B/A21 Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards **This Resource Contains:** * Intervention and revision materials for AQA Theme 1: Life in Modern Britain * x18 1-5 version for lower ability * x18 6-9 for higher and middle ability students. * x1 Self and Peer Assessment Marking Grid Intervention and revision materials for AQA Theme 2: Rights and Responsibilities x16 1-5 version for lower ability x16 6-9 for higher and middle ability students. Intervention and revision materials for AQA Theme 3: Politics and Participation x19 1-5 version for lower ability x19 6-9 for higher and middle ability students x1 Peer Assessment Marking Grid AQA Theme 4: Active Citizenship * x20 Revision and Key terms cards for Active Citizenship Element * x1 Active Citizenship Campaign ideas * x1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment General Revision for Entire course: * x1 GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Quiz * x1 NEW for 2019 Exams GCSE Citizenship Ultimate Revision Quiz * Active Citizenship Reflection AQA Work Booklet Product code: CIT/C8B/A21 List of Revision and Intervention topics included: See image previews and titles of all the attached files of each product These are fully adaptable templates that can be used to help students structure their written responses to both source-based analysis questions and evaluate the statement 15 mark questions. **Please note:** All links provided should work as of Feb 2019. However, due to news websites changing content regularly you may need to update the article links yourself if you find a link does not work anymore on an intervention sheet. YouTube links will all be fine. Each 6-9 Intervention sheet comes with marking criteria for self/peer and teacher assessment and a list of content that could have been included in the essay (Arguments and key terms that could have been used to evaluate either side of the essay statement) Designed to help those students who struggle with all the renewed focus on 100% exam for AQA GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1 How could you use this resource? Homework tasks Targeted Intervention groups Peer assessment criteria for timed essay practice Self-assessment criteria for timed essay practice Teacher assessment at the end of a unit Revision for exam technique for GCSE Citizenship Could be used with Cre8tive Resources Revision and Intervention Packages, Marking Assessment Grids or Knowledge Organisers Fantastic for quick and easy planning! You may also want to check out our very popular AQA GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets. Here are a few examples: GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision and Intervention sheets for AQA Theme 3: Politics and Participation Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards These are fully adaptable templates that can be used to help students structure their written responses to both source based analysis questions and evaluate the statement 8 mark questions. Each 6-9 Intervention sheet comes with a marking criteria for self / peer and teacher assessment and a list of content that could have been included in the essay (Arguments and key terms that could have been used to evaluate either side of the essay statement) Designed to help those students who struggle with all the renewed focus on 100% exam for AQA GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1 How could you use this resource? Homework tasks Targeted Intervention groups Peer assessment criteria for timed essay practice Self assessment criteria for timed essay practice Teacher assessment at the end of a unit Revision for exam technique for GCSE Citizenship Could be used with Cre8tive Resources Revision and Intervention Packages, Marking Assessment Grids or Knowledge Organisers Fantastic for quick and easy planning! [AQA Knowledge Organiser ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-gcse-citizenship-9-1-revision-plc-11927807) [AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 1](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-aqa-theme-1-exam-assessment-bundle-11967720) [AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 2](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-aqa-theme-2-exam-assessment-bundle-11967723) [AQA Exam and Assessments Theme 3](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-aqa-theme-3-exam-assessment-bundle-11967724) [Campaigning Student Resources ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-9-1-active-citizenship-campaign-booklet-11934276) [British Values Quiz ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/british-values-quiz-11948971) Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email. Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!! Explore all our resources on TES
GCSE Citizenship Revision 9-1 EDEXCEL Over 120+ Resources
Over 100+ Intervention sheets for EDEXCEL Themes A - D + 20 Revision key term cards. Product Code: CIT/C8B/E18 Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards **This Resource Contains:** Intervention and revision materials for EDEXCEL Theme A: Living together in the UK * x16 1-5 version for lower ability * x16 6-9 for higher and middle ability students. * x1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment Intervention and revision materials for EDEXCEL Theme B: Democracy at work in the UK * x13 1-5 version for lower ability * x13 6-9 for higher and middle ability students. * X1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment Intervention and revision materials for EDEXCEL Theme C: How the law works * x10 1-5 version for lower ability * x10 6-9 for higher and middle ability students. * X1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment Intervention and revision materials for EDEXCEL Theme D: Power and Influence * x15 1-5 version for lower ability * x15 6-9 for higher and middle ability students. * x1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment EDEXCEL Theme E: Taking Citizenship Action * x20 Revision and Key terms cards for Active Citizenship Element * x1 Active Citizenship Campaign ideas * x1 Marking Grid for Peer and Self Assessment * Active Citizenship Reflection EDEXCEL Work Booklet General Revision for Edexcel course: * x1 GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Quiz * x1 NEW for 2019 Exams GCSE Citizenship Ultimate Revision Quiz List of Revision and Intervention topics included: See image previews and titles of all the attached files of each product Product code: CIT/C8B/E18 **Please note:** All links provided should work as of Jan 2019. However, due to news websites changing content regularly you may need to update the article links yourself if you find a link does not work anymore on an intervention sheet. YouTube links will all be fine. These are fully adaptable templates that can be used to help students structure their written responses to both source based analysis questions and evaluate the statement 15 mark questions. Each 6-9 Intervention sheet comes with a marking criteria for self / peer and teacher assessment and a list of content that could have been included in the essay (Arguments and key terms that could have been used to evaluate either side of the essay statement) Designed to help those students who struggle with all the renewed focus on 100% exam for EDEXCEL GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1 How could you use this resource? Homework tasks Targeted Intervention groups Peer assessment criteria for timed essay practice Self assessment criteria for timed essay practice Teacher assessment at the end of a unit Revision for exam technique for GCSE Citizenship You may also want to check out other popular resources provided for by the UK’s No.1 Seller of GCSE Citizenship Resources. [EDEXCEL Knowledge Organiser ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-gcse-citizenship-9-1-revision-plc-11927804) [EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme A](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-edexcel-theme-a-exam-assessment-bundle-11967753) [EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme B](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-edexcel-theme-b-exam-assessment-bundle-11967752) [EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme C](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-edexcel-theme-c-exam-assessment-bundle-11967751) [EDEXCEL Exam and Assessments Theme D](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/9-1-gcse-citizenship-edexcel-theme-d-exam-assessment-bundle-11967750) [Campaigning Active Citizenship Student Resources ](https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-citizenship-9-1-active-citizenship-campaign-booklet-11934276)
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