pptx, 9.5 MB
pptx, 9.5 MB

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Get this lesson as part of our GCSE Temperature and Heat Transfer Bundle and enjoy a huge discount! Instead of buying lessons individually, grab the entire unit with 9 lessons, including the required practicals, for just £7.00.
Click here to get the bundle now: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13155109

This PowerPoint resource provides an interactive approach to teaching the concepts of heat transfer, energy efficiency, and insulation. Perfect for secondary school science classes, it includes:

  • Starter Activity: Review key heat transfer concepts with targeted questions on conduction, convection, and radiation.
  • Big Questions: Investigate how heat is lost from homes and how insulation helps reduce costs and energy waste.
  • Detailed Explanations: Explore real-life applications of heat transfer, including loft insulation, cavity walls, radiator reflectors, and double-glazed windows.
  • Practice Problems: Include payback time calculations to analyze the financial and environmental benefits of insulation.
  • Interactive Tasks: Fill-in-the-blank activities, practical questions, and opportunities to reflect on energy-saving strategies.

This resource is designed to support student understanding of thermal energy transfer and encourage critical thinking about sustainable living.



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18 days ago

Covered everything required. Great review questions.

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