Head Start Multiplication and Division Bundle
This HEAD START bundle is designed to practice key mathematical skills and challenge current levels of understanding to support with the transition from Year 6 to Year 7.
All questions are designed to follow the National Curriculum for England.
Suitable for students in Year 6 - 7 transition in class / homework / private study
Each resource / activity is designed to help students recognise their strengths, and areas for development within Number, specifically:
* Multiplying numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using a formal written method
* Multiplying whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000
* Multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000
* Multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 giving answers up to 3 decimal places
* Dividing numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using the formal written method of short division
* Multiply mentally, drawing upon known facts
* Divide mentally, drawing upon known facts
* Multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number using a formal written method, including long multiplication for two-digit numbers
* Using written division methods in cases where the answer has up to 2 decimal places
* Multiplying 1-digit numbers up to 2dp by whole numbers
* Division of integers up to 4-digits by a 2-digit number (short and long division)
* Solving problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
A description and suggestions on how to use each resource / activity along with a few hints and tips and differentiation strategies, are provided on the final page of each document for some inspiration, however, these are designed to be flexible and so feel free to adapt for your own requirements.
Answers to all resources / activities are provided.