IGCSE Geography
**IGCSE Geography - Full Course**
This is a catalogue of two full years of IGCSE lessons, with over a hundred lessons provided. The lessons have been designed in detail and are both differentiated and engaging, allowing you to move pupils through content efficiently.
These lessons have been built with a research base approach to teaching and therefore have dual coding, graphic organisers, retrieval practice and AFL opportunities at their heart, which have been streamlined over the years.
A colour scheme also runs throughout to ease both your delivery and students’ comprehension and please see below for an outline of the lesson included in each individual SoW.
Please note the final two units on Water and Energy are designed as independent research booklets, to allow for more focused teacher time on the more difficult content within this course. Please consider this before purchasing.
Please see the extensive resources on my Tes Shop to see the style and quality of my resources, and if you have any questions please do feel free to get in contact:
Theme 1: Population & Settlement – Population
L1: How has the World’s Population changed in the last few hundred years?
L2: Why Does Population Change?
L3: What Factors Affect Population Density?
L4: What are the Causes and Effects of Underpopulation?
L5: What do Population Pyramids Show?
L6: What Threat does HIV Present?
L7: Why is Dependency Ratio so Important for Development?
L8: How can Government Policy Impact Population?
L9: Population Revision
Theme 1: Population & Settlement – Migration
L1: What are the Characteristics of Migration?
L2: What is international Migration? (Case Study)
L3: What are the Causes and Effects of Internal Migration?
L4: Migration Revision Lesson
Theme 1: Population & Settlement – Settlements
L1: What are the Characteristics of urban and rural settlements?
L2: What Services are there in Rural Settlements?
L3: Why is the World Becoming Increasingly Urbanised?
L4: What and where are the world’s megacities?
L5: How do land use models seek to explain cities structures?
L6: How does Manchester’s land use Vary?
L7 How are Urban Challenges Managed?
L8: What are the Characteristics of Inequality in Settlements?
Theme 2: 2.1 Earthquakes and volcanoes
L1: Why do tectonic events occur?
L1.5: Why do Tectonic Plates Move?
L2: What are the Key Features of Earthquakes?
L3: What are the Key Features of a Volcano?
L4: What Impacts Can Earthquakes have?
L5: What Hazards are Caused by Volcanoes?
L6: What impacts can Volcanoes and how to prepare for them?
L7: How are Earthquake Proof Buildings Designed?
L8: Why Do People Live Near Volcanoes?
Theme 2: Rivers
L1: What are the Key Features of a River’s Drainage Basin?
L2:How and why do river landscapes change along their course?
L3: How does a River Long Profile Change as it Moves Downstream?
L4: What are the Physical and Human Causes of Flooding?
L5: What were the Causes and Effects of the Boscastle Flood in 2004?
L6: Can the risk of river flooding be successfully managed?
L7: How has Boscastle Responded to the Risk of Future Flooding?
L8: What physical features are created by rivers?
L9: What are the Opportunities and Threats of the Mekong River?
Theme 2: Natural Environment - Coasts
L1: How Do Waves Shape the World’s Coastlines?
L2: How Do Subaerial Processes and Erosion Shape Coastal Areas?
L3: How Do Coastal Depositional Landforms Form?
L4: How does Erosion Create Coastal Features?
L5: How do Sand Dunes Form on the Coast?
L6: How do Coral Reefs form?
L7: What Benefits do Mangrove Forests Bring?
L8: How Does Coastal Management Reduce Erosion?
2.4 Weather
L1: How is Weather Data Collected?
L2: What are the Key Characteristics of a Stevenson Screen?
L3: How Do the Nature of Clouds Vary?
Theme 2.5: Climate and natural vegetation
L1: How Can Graphs be Used to Analyse Hot Desert and Equatorial Climates?
L2: What Factors are Responsible for Creating Hot Deserts?
L3: What are the Characteristics of Hot Desert Ecosystems?
L4: What Factors are Responsible for Creating Equatorial Environments?
L5: What are the Characteristics of Equatorial Ecosystems?
L6: What are the Causes and Effects of Deforestation Rainforests?
L7: Hot Desert and Equatorial Rainforest Case Studies.
Theme 3.1: Development
L1: How is Development Measured?
L2: What the Causes and Effects of Inequalities within Countries?
L3: What are the Causes of International Inequality?
L4: What are Characteristics of the Four Main Categories of Production?
L5: What are the Employment Structures of Certain Countries?
L6: What are the Causes and Effects of Globalisations?
L7: What are the Cause and Effects of Nike in Vietnam?
Theme 3.3: Industry
L1: How do Countries Develop? (Rostow)
L2: What Factors Influencing the Distribution of Factories?
L3: What Characteristics are Behind an Industrial System?
Theme 3.2: Food Production
L1: What are the Key Features of an Agricultural System (Rice)?
L2: What are the Characteristics of Main Farming Types?
L3: What are the Effects of Physical and Human Inputs to Farming?
L4: What are the Cause; Effects; Solutions of Food Insecurity?
L5: What Natural; Economic; Political Factors Can Cause Food Shortages?
Theme 3.4: Tourism
L1: What Human and Physical Attractions have Increased Tourism?
L2: What are the Benefits and Disadvantages of Tourism?
L3: How can Tourism be Sustainably Managed?
Theme 3.5: Energy
Student Independent Booklet for Energy IGCSE.
Theme 3.6: Water
Student Independent Booklet for Water IGCSE.
Best **FREE** Resources (The Geography Shop)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12899088 (Climate Change SoW)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12899440 (Development SoW)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12638984 (Waste SoW)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12451443 (Britain Globalisation SoW)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12741793 (Local Area Investigation SoW)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/bundler/12949461 (Cambridge International)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12922653 (Israel & Palestine)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12485457 (What is Geography?)
I hope you find this SoW useful. If you have, I have created a series of resources.
You can check them out here.