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ITALIAN CHRISTMAS HAPPY CHRISTMAS BUON NATALE BUNTING BANNERS Create a real festive Italian look and feel in your classroom with this set of bunting / banners spelling out BUON NATALE! I use bunting / banners not only to create an Italian ambiance in the learning environment, but also to promote everyday and seasonal language and core vocabulary for learners of all ages. Each sheet of bunting has a small tag that you can clip to a line of string across the room (like a washing line!), or to a wall.

Have a browse in my store for more Italian classroom display, and a wide range of other Italian teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too!

Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license is a single-user license only. The resource is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply.


Creative Commons "Sharealike"

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A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.



**ITALIAN CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES ITALIAN CHRISTMAS GAMES PRIMARY ITALIAN FOR CHILDREN CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES KS2 ITALIAN CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES KS3 ITALIAN CHRISTMAS GAMES AND ACTIVITIES 3 RESOURCES @ £2.25 EACH** ***The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way outside your own classroom. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. School licenses are available. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.*** ***Christmas*** provides a great learning opportunity in Italian class. Activities featuring ***Italian Christmas vocabulary*** provide a dual learning platform, where students can learn about ***Christmas in Italy***, at the same time as revisiting and revising language they have already engaged with. Using ***Italian Christmas images and vocabulary*** enables students to engage with traditions and customs in Italian-speaking countries, comparing and contrasting them to other ***Christmas*** practices they know or follow. It's a really useful way of stimulating discussion about ***Christmas in Italy and other Italian-speaking countries***. I'll be adding to the collection next Christmas, and you'll be able to download the new resources as part of your original purchase. ***Currently the mini-bundle includes the following games and activities:*** **ITALIAN CHRISTMAS BINGO GAMES** 100 Italian Christmas bingo grids with calling cards - read the full outline here: [](https://) **ITALIAN CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCHES #1** 10 differentiated word searches, answer keys, Italian Christmas vocabulary list for younger Italian learners - read the full outline here: [](https://) **ITALIAN CHRISTMAS I HAVE, WHO HAS?** Whole group communicative activity, two games and challenges - read the full outline here: [](https://) ***Have a browse in my store for more Italian resources, including more special offer bundles and freebies.*** **GRAZIE MILLE E BUON NATALE!**




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2 years ago

Great freebie, thanks for sharing


2 years ago

Thanks for sharing


2 years ago

Very useful thanks

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