KS3 - Forces Bundle
This bundle is a complete topic pack containing all powerpoints, student worksheets, challenge tasks, plenary activities, and answer sheets for the KS3 Physics topic “Forces”. It also contains many specially selected student-led activities on the powerpoints (particularly designed to make teaching the concepts of forces, fields, resultant forces, and weight, easier, more fun and student-led).
There are also self-completing slides where answers can be clicked and move into the correct place (great for distance learning students and cover lessons).
### This bundle contains the following lessons:
1. Forces
2. Drawing Force Diagrams
3. Hooke's Law
4. Drag and Friction
5. Fields
6. Calculating Weight
7. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
## Lesson objectives/outcomes:
### Lesson 1 – Forces
#### Students should be able to:
• Explain what forces are
• Compare different types of forces
• Describe how to measure forces and give the unit of force
### Lesson 2 – Drawing Force Diagrams
#### Students should be able to:
• Describe how forces are represented
• Identify the direction a force acts on an object
• Draw and/or label force arrows on diagrams for simple example
### Lesson 3 – Hooke’s Law
#### Students should be able to:
• Describe how forces deform objects
• Describe how solid surfaces provide a support force
• Investigate and use Hooke’s Law
• Take accurate measurements
• Plot a graph
• Draw a line of best fit on a graph
### Lesson 4 – Drag and Friction
#### Students should be able to:
• Describe the effect of drag forces and friction
• Explain how drag forces and friction arise
• Describe how drag forces and friction can be reduced
• Measure force using a newton meter
• Record data in an appropriate table
• use my observations to make a conclusion
### Lesson 5 – Fields
#### Students should be able to:
• Describe what a “field” is
• Describe the effects of fields
### Lesson 6 – Calculating Weight
#### Students should be able to:
• Describe the difference between weight and mass
• Calculate the weight of an object
• Explain why weight is different on different planets
• Convert units
• Calculate values using a calculator
### Lesson 7 – Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
#### Students should be able to:
• Describe the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces
• Explain why objects are in equilibrium
• Explain the changing motion of objects
• Calculate resultant forces in one dimension