Ideal for teacher training or NQT a literacy bundle that has a range of worksheets for SEN, Early Years, Reception, Primary and Preschoolers.
Includes differentiated worksheets for students who are at the pre-writing stage, up to writing independently. Has worksheets for alphabet A-Z for matching, phonics and practicing writing and spelling.
Includes differentiated comprehension from 12 nursery rhymes to 12 differentiated photos commenting on items in photos (3 sets of each for lower, middle and higher abilities).
With the speaking, listening and writing we ask carers to email or let us know a couple of things that their child did at the weekend, so that we are able to prompt children or get other children to ask appropriate questions. We also check children's listening by asking 'Who went shopping, who visited family, who was ill, who walked the dog, where did they go, what did they buy' etc. before the students write what they did with help, by copying from a white board or working independently.
Also includes a colouring activity to check children's listening skills. Adult asks them to colour a particular part of the picture a certain colour and records if they did it correctly.
No prep needed - just cutting and gluing with the children. You may need whiteboards and pens to help the children with spelling.