Teach Further Maths
Teach Further Maths
4.7649 reviews

'Teach Further Maths' is a suite of Maths PowerPoint presentations for Teachers and Students of Further Mathematics A Level, AS Level or equivalent. 68 high quality, fully animated colour further maths PowerPoint presentations, consisting of over 3000 slides - a comprehensive teaching resource. PowerPoints covering all of the major topics from the syllabi - Polar Coordinates, Matrices, Differential Equations etc...) Complete further maths A level lessons ready to deliver

pptx, 1.48 MB
pptx, 1.48 MB
A 'Teach Further Maths' Reesource

38 Slides

To be able to use MacLaurin’s Series to find series expansions.
To be able to find the Ranges of Validity for certain series.



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9 years ago

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