This resource includes a complete unit of work for the Soul, Mind and Body unit of the OCR A-level Religious Studies, though could be adapted for other exam boards. Included are a whole unit of PowerPoint slides covering the whole spec, a workbook which matches the slides, a revision activity of a unit overview map, two exemplar essays and a set of links to further resources/revision notes.
Covered in this unit of work are Plato and Aristotle’s beliefs on the soul, including discussion of whether the soul is immortal; an introduction to the mind body problem, e.g. the Ship of Theseus; Descartes’ substance dualism; property dualism; hard materialists, such as Skinner and Dawkins, with criticism from Dennett; soft materialism, including Hick; and Ryle’s category error.
A complete unit of work all ready to go!
Hope you enjoy and happy teaching :)
Amazing resource. Has saved me so much time. Any chance you could upload your religious language resources please?
6 months ago
Thank you so much for the review! I’m glad you like the resources. Religious language resources should be up just before Christmas time! I hope this helps.
3 months ago
Hello - I just wanted to let you know that I have now uploaded the first unit for religious language - negative, analogy and symbol. It is available in my shop if you're still interested!
3 months ago
Hello - I just wanted to let you know that I've uploaded 'religious language: twentieth century perspectives' if you're still interested in purchasing!
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Sorry to be a pain! Do you have resources for OCR RS Mesta-Ethics? Many thanks!
3 years ago
Thank you and I am so glad you find them so helpful! I had fallen quite behind with uploading resources but I've just uploaded conscience, arguments from reason and pluralism for you. These should appear on my shop soon! If there's any others you would like to be uploaded soon, let me know and I will prioritise those (please note though that I have not taught every unit!)
3 years ago
I‘m really sorry but I’ve never taught meta ethics so I don’t have anything for that unit! I don’t have religious experience for OCR but I do for AQA. I do have Problem of evil resources for OCR - I‘ll upload them this week
3 years ago
Hello. I have uploaded problem of evil (there's one for OCR and another for AQA) and I have also uploaded religious experience but I have only taught that unit for AQA. Hope this helps!
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