Assessment for learning!
Crosswords, answers and keyword definition lists for the entirety of the Edexcel Biology IGCSE course. 46 crosswords differentiated for double and triple science on each topic from the syllabus.
Word documents so fully editable.
All of the crosswords are a good size and contain lots of questions (see previews); so they make good end of topic review or homework task. Answers on the back of each worksheet.
Some free samples here:
- Cell structure and organisation:
- Human reproduction:
Assessment for learning!
Crosswords, answers and keyword definition lists for every GCSE biology topic. 46 crosswords and keyword definition lists to go with each one.
Word documents so fully editable.
All of the crosswords are a good size and contain lots of questions (see previews); so they make good end of topic review or homework task. Answers are on the back of each worksheet.
Crosswords included:
- Analysing and evaluating data
- Command terms
- Designing experiments
- Drawing and analysing graphs
- Variety of life and features of living organisms
- Cell structure and organisation
- Biological molecules / biomolecules
- Enzymes
- Diffusion
- Osmosis and active transport
- Photosynthesis
- Structure of a leaf and plant nutrition
- Healthy diet
- Digestion
- Respiration
- Gas exchange in plants
- Gas exchange in humans
- Plant transport (easier / double science)
- Plant transport (harder / triple science)
- Plant transport (core content)
- Blood and circulation
- Structure of the heart and the cardiac cycle
- Immunity (harder / triple science)
- Immunity (easier / double science)
- Excretion and the kidney (harder / triple science)
- Structure of the eye and accommodation
- Human nervous system: reflexes, neurones and synapses
- The endocrine system (easier / double science)
- The endocrine system (harder / triple science)
- Plant reproduction: parts of a flower
- Plant reproduction: pollination and germination
- Human reproduction: reproductive structure, puberty and the menstrual cycle
- Inheritance
- Cell division
- Natural selection and evolution
- Mutations
- Ecology: Organisms in the environment
- Ecology: Feeding relationships
- The carbon cycle
- The nitrogen cycle (triple science)
- Human influences in the environment
- Farming and fish farming (harder / triple science)
- Farming (easier / double science)
- Farming and the use of microorganisms to produce food
- Genetically modified organisms / GMOs
- Cloning (triple science)
Some free samples here:
Cell structure and organisation:
Human reproduction:
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