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I look forwards to using it in the class. thanks
A wonderful example of a rich task which can be student led. Thanks for sharing!
How is the “limiting value” related to the original 3 numbers?<br /> <br /> Which 3 numbers give you a “nice” limiting value?<br /> <br /> Does the order of the 3 numbers matter?<br /> <br /> Is there a pattern in the limiting value if the original 3 numbers are consecutive?<br /> <br /> How about if they are in a sequence?<br /> <br /> How about if some of the numbers are the same?<br /> <br /> What about square numbers, Fibonacci numbers, etc ?...<br /> <br /> Can you convince people using algebra?<br /> <br /> Try starting with 2 numbers<br /> <br /> Or 4<br /> <br /> Or 5<br /> <br /> Try drawing a graph of each of the values<br /> Which graphs oscillate?<br /> Which graphs approach like a staircase?<br />
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