Successfully trialled for a year in an outstanding school, the PowerPoint has proven to be an invaluable tool to support the development of meta-cognition. As Professor John Hattie maintains: “When tasks are more complex for a pupil, the quality of meta-cognitive skills rather than intellectual ability is the main determinant of learning outcomes.”
The PowerPoint is particularly effective when used on the IWB. This supports the ‘split-screen’ approach advocated by Shirley Clarke, whereby the focused learning power for each lesson has equal status to the knowledge or skills learning objective of the lesson. The slides can be integrated into each and every lesson, yielding powerful opportunities to discuss and deepen understanding of successful learning.
The PowerPoint thus aims to impact positively on teaching and learning within any class, focusing on what really matters in enabling children to become lifelong learners.
About the PowerPoint: Learning powers are depicted on a circular-chevron motif - a ‘virtuous circle’ intrinsically linking all eight as mutually reinforcing and of equal importance. Clicking on each of the learning powers hyperlinks to the relevant slide on the presentation, which details Shirley Clarke’s skills breakdown, and each individual slide is hyperlinked back to the home page. Non-stereotypical, gender-free animated characters (credited to PresenterMedia) exemplify each learning power, whilst colour coding is used to further enhance the visual aspect.
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Good information but a very expensive PPT
This is a very valuable resource for any teacher wishing to be at the helm of a successful class. It is also the perfect accompaniment to any teacher about to embark upon a new academic year and wanting to establish the ideal ethos in order to facilitate optimum learning of all pupils regardless of ability.<br /> If each of the values, e.g. Don’t give up; Have a go; Enjoy learning etc, are adhered to and incorporated into the daily fabric of each teaching day then it is my honest belief that you - as an outstanding teacher - can’t help but succeed.<br /> Looking at this resource in greater detail: when considering the ‘Concentrate’ tab/slide and the associated criteria, e.g. draw diagrams – makes reference to the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach or get lost in the task – encourages the children to truly immerse themselves in, say, a guided reading session.<br /> ‘Be Curious’: notice things – marries up well with the requirements of the new (2014) Science curriculum and its inherent expectations of a practical / investigative approach to learning scientific concepts.<br /> The layout, animations and its simplicity also make it readily accessible to all children.<br /> As an outstanding graded teacher, School Direct mentor and Assistant Head, I highly recommend this resource.<br />
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